5 Years Later

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Luke's POV

I'm watching TV with Ashton, Michael and Calum when the doorbell rings.
"Luke go see who's at the door," Michael says
"I don't want to," I say and the doorbell rings again "Fine," I say and get up.
I leave the room and go to the door, I open the door and see someone who I thought I would never see again, in person.
"Hey," she says smiling sheepishly
"Hi, what are you doing here?" I ask
"I couldn't stay away," she says laughing slightly
"Alex, I thought I'd never see you again," I say

Alex's POV

"Well here I am," I say
"Come in," Luke says stepping back and I walk into the house. "The others are in here," he says and he walks into a room at the end of the hall and I follow him.

When we go into the room Ashton, Michael and Calum are watching TV. I walk over to the couch and sit down beside Ashton.

"What ya watching?" I ask
"The Flash," he says before realising who I was and at the same time the other boys realised.
"Alex!" They all yell and I laugh
"What are you doing here?" Ashton asks
"I saved up and bought a ticket to come here, I just had to see you guys again. It's been too long," I say
"So what happened in the five years," Luke asks
"Well when I moved back to England with my mom it turned out that there was one thing she forgot to tell me, which was that she was married to a man who had two kids and that she was expecting a child. My stepdad or whatever you'd call him didn't really like me, but the feeling is mutual. I finished school and went to university and did an English literature and creative writing course. I moved out when I started college, I haven't really spoken to my mom since I moved out. My step sisters and half brother are alright, my half brother is nearly five now and my stepsisters are 15 and 17." I say
"Are your stepsisters fans?" Michael asks
"Out of everything I said the thing you ask is are my stepsisters fans," I say
"Yeah," he replies
"They are fans and they don't believe that I know you guys and that I dated Luke," I say
"How long will you be in Australia for?" Luke asks
"I'll be here for a month,"
"Are you going back to England when the months up?" Luke asks
"Actually I'm going to America," I say
"How much money do you have?" Michael asks
"I've been saving money since I was like seven and my stepdad also has a lot of money and my mom has access to his bank account," I say
"What's your mother like?" Ashton asks
"Well for the first year I ignored her most the time and didn't give her a chance, then I decided if I'd be staying with her for I don't know how long I might as well give her a chance. And it turned out she isn't that bad, she just made a few bad decisions and she does care about me. But I haven't forgiven her fully so that's why I've barely spoken to her in such a long time." I say
"How's Amy?" Ashton asks
"She doing good, she has a good job and.." I say not wanting to finish
"And what?" Ashton asks
"She has a fiancé," I say and I can see that Ashton is hurt "I'm sorry,"
"It's okay," he says "It's been three years of course she would have moved on," Ashton says. Ashton and Amy tried to make the long distance thing work but it only lasted two years after
I moved back to England.

"Alex can I talk to you in private?" Luke asks
"Yeah, sure," I say and we leave the room and go into the kitchen.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask
"Have you moved on?" He asks "I mean are you dating someone?" He asks
"No, I'm not dating anyone at the moment I did go out with a girl for a month but it didn't work out," I say "What about you?" I ask
"I didn't date anyone, it's hard when you're famous," he says
"Yeah," I say awkwardly
"Alex I still love you," he says and I smile
"I still love you too," I say and he kisses me.

"Come with me to America," I say
"I don't know if I can," he says
"Please," I say
"I can't just go off to America and leave the guys here," he says sadly
"Why don't you guys move to America? Money isn't an issue with you. You could do it,"
"I'll have to ask them and see what they say but maybe,"
A/N This thingy wasn't supposed to happen and it wasn't planned, but it's half one in the morning and I got bored, so I decided to write this. I hope you enjoyed this because is the last and I mean the LAST ever chapter of 'Living With 5SOS'.
Bye -Emma

Living with 5SOS|| luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now