Chapter 35

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A/N Okay so I had write like 3/4 of a chapter and I didn't have internet so it wouldn't save so then I copied it and then I tried to paste it and it didn't work so now I need to write a whole chapter from scratch and I can barely remember what I wrote about. UGH!
Oh well I better start writing.

Alex's POV

"We should probably get back to the others," I say to Luke
"Yeah, come on let's go," he says and we head to the room.
We find the room after 5 minutes and when we enter Dad is standing there looking pretty pissed off.
"Where were you two?" He asks us annoyed
"We had to get a microphone," I says
"Okay, well you have it now so head to the stage," he says and Luke, Ashton, Michael, Calum and I all head to the stage with John.
When the guys go onstage the cheering gets 100 times louder and I have to cover my ears.
"This is so fucking loud!" I shout to no one in particular
"Language!" Dad shouts back at me

Soon 5SOS are done and they come off stage.
"You were amazing," I whisper in Luke's ear (oh god I hope no one thought of that in an inappropriate way like I did after I wrote it) and he smiles at me. I just want to fucking kiss him but I can't because of Dad.
After 15 minutes one direction go onstage and I don't know if it's even possible but the screaming is even louder than it was for 5SOS, I never know anyone could scream so loud I'm surprised every piece of glass within a mile didn't break.

After a couple of hours the concert was over and we were leaving to go back to the hotel. We all get in our van and sit quietly waiting to get to the hotel, when we get there we go straight to our room with a few delays because if the fans. We go into our hotel room and Luke goes and lies down on the couch and I jump on him, He puts his arms around me and I rest my head on his chest.
"Did we miss something because you too seem very friendly with each other?" Michael asks
"Oh yeah, me and Luke are back together," I say looking up at Ashton, Calum and Michael.
"Calum where's my money," Michael says holding his hand out and Calum pulls some money notes out of his pocket and puts them in Michael's hand
"You bet on whether or not me and Alex would get back together?" Luke asks
"Yeah," Calum and Michael both say
Luke and I watch "Insidious" while the others play Monopoly, I laugh at some of the parts that are supposed to be scary and Luke looks at me like I'm crazy
"What, it's ridiculous how unscary this movie is," I say and we go back to watching the movie
"Oh my god," I say laughing at the little boy dancing to the music.  After a half an hour the movie is over.
"Ok going to go to my room," I say
"I'll go with you," Luke says and we head to our room and hear Michael yell "Don't make too much noise and use protection!" We laugh when we hear him say that.
I lie down and the bed and Luke lies down beside me, I turn over and face Luke.
"Boop," I say and poke his cheek.
He turns to look at me and I peck him on the lips making him smile. He leans in and kisses me, our lips move in sync, I role over on top of him and I tangle my hands in his hair while he puts his hands on my waist. We break apart to breathe after a couple of minutes.
"I missed doing that," he says smiling
"So did I," I say and kiss him again and break away after a couple seconds.
"I'm tired," I say yawning and getting under the covers.
"You should put your pj's on," he says
"I don't want to," you'll be very uncomfortable wearing that he says and I get out from under the covers, I pick out a camo print loose t-shirt and black shorts. I put them on and turn around to see Luke in only his underpants. Holy shit he's hot, I think to myself and then we get into bed and go to sleep with his arms around me and me snuggling into him.

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