chapter 27

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*time skip to going on tour*

Alex's Pov                                                                                                                                                                     

"Hurry up Alex" Dad called out from downstairs 

"Coming" I grab my bags and just about make it down stairs without falling.

"Hey Dad can we go to the orphanage before we head to the airport, I need to give Amy something" I ask 

"I don't know we need to get to the airport by one p.m." he replies 

"Please it's really important, please"

"fine, you're lucky it's close to the airport but hurry up it's 11:15 a.m." he says. We all get into the mini van and we head off towards the orphanage 

  1 hour later

i get out of the mini van remembering to grab the present and knock on the door and wait for the door to open 

"Hello Alex it's nice to see you. Normally the kids who get adopted like to stay as far away from this place as they can" Mary says. 

"I'm here to see Amy" 

"okay come in she's in her room like always" she says letting me in.                                                             

"hey what up mah unicorn BFF"i say entering her room 

"Alex hey" 

"I don't have a lot of time because we need to get to the airport" I say and she hugs me 

"I'm going to miss you" she says crying 

"Hey don't cry you'll only make me cry and promise me you'll Skype me everyday" I say 

"But i don't have a laptop" she says frowning 

"That's why I got you this" I say handing her the wrapped box.

"What's this?" she asks and rips the wrapping paper off 

"Oh my god you got me a laptop, you didn't have to" she says 

"Yes I know but how else will I get to see you everyday" I  reply 

"Thank you so much i'm really going to miss you while you're gone" she says "hey it's not forever," I say and give her one last hug before leaving.

                                                           *at the hotel*                                                                                                                      country:America, California (A/N i don't know where the tour started)

"Okay Alex floor 7 room 315" Dad says handing me my room key "Boys floor 7 room 318 and I'll be on the same floor, room 320" he says and then hands them their room keys.

"Race you" I say to the boys and then shove them out of the way and rush into an elevator, press number 7 and hold the close button.                                                                                                                             

Of course I got to my room first then 5 minutes later Luke comes up. Who I'm currently giving the silent treatment to, then Ashton, Calum and then Michael 

"Jeez what took you so long?" I ask sarcastically 

"Oh I don't know maybe something to do with the fact you took the elivator and we had to run up 7 flights of stairs" Luke says 

"Ashton tell Luke I wasn't talking to him" I say turning my back to Luke."Why must you make everything a race? Go unpack we're meeting up with one direction in 30 minutes" Dad says

 "Okay" I say and go into my room. "Wow" the room was huge                                                                                                                   

After we all unpacked we headed down to meet one direction again in some sort of private room            

"So when do they actually get here" I ask getting bored 

"We're here" we heard people yell and of course the voices were followed by one direction "What great timing...I wonder" I say "When does the pizza get here?" nothing happened 

"You ordered pizza" Niall asked looking like a kid in a candy shop 

"Niall nobody ordered pizza" Louis says 

"Aww can we order pizza" Niall asks 


"I'm on it" I say and take out my phone 

"Hello I'd like to order five pepperoni pizzas, and what do you guys want?" I ask 

"Alex you're going to get fat"Michael says 

"Who am I trying to impress? So really it doesn't matter if i'm fat" I say and put the phone back up to my ear "Make that 10 pepperoni pizzas, yeah. Bye...oh and the address is *insert address*"

"Now Alex if you wouldn't mind can we get back to the meeting?" Dad says 

"why can't you just have a meeting while all of us hang out and then you tell us the important things" says curly (this is her nickname for Harry)

"For once i agree with curly" I say 

"Fine but don't get into trouble"  says dad and we all leave the room.                                                          

We all go Ashton's room.

After a while the pizza got here 

"So what do you wanna do" Liam asks us 

"Lets play truth or dare" I say excitedly 

"Sure" they all agree

"I'm going first, okay curly truth or dare" I ask 

"Stop calling me that" he says 

"Okay curly don't get your knickers in a twist, just answer" I say 

"Fine dare" 

"okay i dare you to straighten your hair" I say smiling evilly 

"No never you can't make me" he says 

"Fine you chicken out, you get a forfit you have to eat one whole jalapeno pepper" I say pulling one out of the pizza box "I don't know why they put these in here but here's the pepper" i say handing it to Harry. 

After a minute of laughing at Harry's reaction it was his turn to ask someone "Alex truth or dare" 

"Dare" I say cause I ain't weak 

"Okay i dare you to kiss the person in this room that you like" he says smirking "Okay fine" I say and kiss my hand

"Wait I thought you and Luke were dating," Louis says

"They were but Luke cheated," Ashton says giving Luke a dirty look

"Can we not talk about this?" I ask "Right so Calum truth or dare?"

We continued with the game until Dad and Simon come in.                                                                                                                                                     _____________________________________________________________________________

A/N okay so i know this isn't the best chapter and i'm sorry for not updating sooner but i've been busy with school tests and I'm trying to finish i dont know how many book series and im sorry but bye      

A/N - I don't know what my ass was on about with school tests, I was like 12. Back then all I was getting was spelling tests                                                                                                                                   

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