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"And we're here" John says while pulling into the driveway of a massive two story house.

"This place is huge" I say amazed when we get out of the car

"I know so are you coming in" he says while heading towards the front door. 

"Yeah" I say as I follow him into the hall 

"I'll put your suitcase in your room, you must be hungry the kitchen is right down the hall help yourself to whatever you want "he says smiling and he goes upstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and my gaw drops when I see it, it had a huge, cabinets and drawers all around the room and a huge marble table with a big basket of fruit on it.

I decide to have a Nutella sandwich and it was it surprisingly hard to find the bread and Nutella .

When I was done I heard a noise coming from the other room. When I walk in I'm shocked at what I see, Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin play fighting it was so funny I couldn't help but laugh.

"Who are you?" Luke and Ashton ask at the same time 

"Oh my God you're Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin!" I say excited, it's not everyday you meet members of one of your favourite bands.
Alex don't freak out or fangirl. Alex don't, I say to myself.

"Yeah but that doesn't answer the question" Ashton says

"I'm Alex, I was adopted by John today" I say confused about what was going on

"Seriously?" Ashton asks not believing me and judging by the facial expressions of Luke he didn't believe it either.

Then Calum Hood and Michael Clifford walk into the room. What the fuck is going on?

"Who's she? Michael asks 

"No idea." Ashton says

"She said John adopted her." Luke adds

"Look I'll prove it" I say "John!" I yell out

"Yes Alex what's wrong?" John says walking into the room

"Wait, was she telling truth?" they all say together

"Depends on what she said" John answered

"Did you adopt her?" Luke asks

"Yes" John answered "Remember I told you I had a surprise for you, she's the surprise." 

"Well I'm going to my room," I say while leaving the room.

I had to get John to show me where my room was. The room is big and has a double bed, a big wardrobe, a desk, drawers beside the bed and the walls were painted white.
"I think I'm going to like it here," I say to myself.

I take out my phone and call Amy.

(Bold=Alex Italics=Amy)


"Oh my god how's the new house?"

"It's amazing, I'll invite you over as soon as possible. I have a huge surprise for you when you come"

"What's the surprise?!"

"You'll have to wait and see"

"You can't do this to me"

"Haha, don't worry you'll thank me when you find out"

"I better or else"

"Or else what?"

"Haven't thought that far ahead yet"

"I'm missing you already, I'm going to text you everyday"

"You fucking better"

"Stop fucking cursing it's rude"

"Fuck off"

"Love you too"

"I've to go now, talk later"


"Bye bitch"

I put my phone down and start unpacking.

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