Chapter 21

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Amy's POV

"Ashton how did you know I love the beach!" I say
"Lucky guess," he says
"Wait I don't have any swimwear," I said frowning
"I wouldn't be so sure about that look in your bag," he say, I pick up my bag and open it to reveal a bikini
"Let me guess Alex," I say taking it out.
"Yeah now put it on," he says
"Okay I'm going to go change in one of the stalls," I say pointing to the changing stalls.
"Okay be quick,"I hear him say as I head into one of the stalls.

I come out of the bathroom and see Ashton surrounded by girls.

"Ugh I should have seen this coming," I say as I start heading towards the crowd 

"Ashton!" I yell trying to get trough the crowd which resulted in me getting pushed to the ground.

"Are you and Ashton dating?" I heard a voice say I looked up and saw a girl with red hair.
"Not exactly," I say
"Good so back off my man missy," she says and pours her slushy over my head .

Ashton's POV

While I was signing autographs I heard a scream.

"I'm sorry give me a minute," I said and pushed trough the crowd to see Amy covered in a slushy and a girl above her with an empty cup.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I yell at the girl as I help Amy up.
"Are you okay?" I ask her
"Yeah can we go into the water so I can get this out of my hair?" she asks pointing to her hair.
"Yeah sure come on," I say and we head to the water


As you can see I'm not very good with boys POV's so anyway it's very short and I'm sorry but I've got school work ,piano and I have to go to my aunts house after school for an hour

So my point is I don't have a lot of time to write but ill try to post something every week

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