Chapter 18

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Alex's POV

I wake up and checked my phone

Amy: I need major fashion help for me and Ashton's date I don't know where he's taking me please help me

Alex: I can't tell you where he's taking you but just wear something casual

After that I put my phone down.

I go into the kitchen and find a note

Dear Alex

Had a interview we didnt want to wake you be back 4:30.p.m

From the John and the boys

Okay so I'm home alone, hungry and need a shower. I think I'll eat first

I take out coco pops and put then in a bowl and I get a glass of orange juice. When I'm done I go upstairs and get into the shower.

The boys must've have left not so long before I got up because the water was very hot.

When I get out and get dressed I hear a crash from down stairs.

"What was that?" I wisper to myself

I picked up my baseball bat, I don't play I just have it. 

(A/N I don't know why she'd even have a baseball bat but whatever)

I go down stair there was another crash coming from the kitchen I slowly krept into the kitchen.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw a blonde haired girl and a red haired girl.

"What are you doing here?" I ask
"Get out of my house!" I yell
"Umm what do you mean your house this is my house," the blonde says
"Get out or I'll call the police!"
"We'll get out on one condition you let us meet 5SOS," the red head says
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh you know very well what we're talking about," she says

They may have thought they were smart but I was smarter I ran out of the kitchen got the key from on top of the door luckily those girls weren't that strong so I could hold them off and locked the door, then I ran to the sitting room door and locked that door too.

I grab my phone and call the police.
"Hello," a woman says
"Hi two girls broke into my house and they refused to leave,"
"Okay what's you address?"
"54 oakdrive Manchester,"
(A/N this is a random address i don't know if there's even a oakdrive in Manchester)
"We'll have someone be there right away," she says and then I hang up.

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