Chapter 11

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Alex's POV

"Guys we're back," Luke yells when we get into the hall then Ashton and Calum come out of the kitchen.
"So you're Amy," Ashton says
"Yup," Amy answers
"So...lets play tag," Calum randomly yells as he taps me and yells you're it.

"You guys better run," I say and they all run out into the garden, I give them a couple of second head start and then I run out. I can't see anyone but I can hear voices coming from somewhere. Then I see like running to go behind a tree and I run after Luke, when I'm just about to catch him someone pushes me causing me to fall right  me on top of Luke.

"Sorry," I say embarrassed
"It's okay," he says
Oh god he so hot. I role off Luke so I'm beside him, when I look around the others aren't in sight.

"So why did you tackle me?" he asks
"I didn't well I didn't mean to some-" I didn't get to finish the sentence because Luke had placed his lips on mine after a few second (of mentally fangirling) I close my eyes and kiss him back it goes on until we have no more air in our lungs.

"So that happened" Luke says 

"Yup," I say blushing "You're it!" I yell and get up running away

The game went on for an hour before we decided to end it.

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