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''You may come out when I return in three days.''

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THREE DAYS HAD PASSED SINCE THE SORTING, and as the old clock in the slytherin common room struck eleven, Estella found herself walking the halls of Hogwarts castle, intent on heading to the library to revise. OWLS weren't for another five months yet she was determined to be on top of everything, on top of the class. 

Anything below and outstanding was a disappointment to not only Estella's parents but also to Estella. Thus, she was determined to put in the work required to achieve 'outstanding' grades. Her black heeled shoes clicked softly against the paved floor of the Hogwarts corridor and sunlight filtered in brazenly through the cracks in the baulstrades. 

The narrow door that led to the library formed in front of her, it's edges fraying every so slightly in the light as if it wasn't entirely there. The library was rather alike the room of requirement, it shifted it's whereabouts daily. Much like everyone else in the school, when Estella emerged into view it's edges frayed more, shadows piercing through the appearance as if it wanted to flee. 

Estella rolled her eyes and entered the library, the thick smell of old books and pine rising to greet her. She breathed it in deeply, there was something oddly comforting about libraries.

Estella briskly strode over to the librarians desk, dumping a stack of used books on the counter before walking off into the depths of the stacks. Behind her she could hear the old womans spluttering yet she ignored it. If the librarian wanted the books placed on their correct rows she'd have to do it herself.

There were no large windows in the library for the sole purpose of keeping the old books shielded from the harsh sunlight, yet even in the dimness Estella clearly spotted someone sitting at her table. She stilled and narrowed her eyes. Who could've possibly had the nerve, knowing well and true that Estella would send Corban after whoever it was. 

The figure tilted his head to the side as he doodled something on the oak wood of the table. Estella gritted her teeth and her grip on the strap of her bag tightened imperceptibly. James Potter.

If he was hoping to share then he was out of luck. Estella Black didn't do sharing. That table was reserved for her circle of friends and no others, it was infamous as the Slytherin table. The Gryffindor's sat across the library in the south wing. Not to mention it was currently empty and James could've had the pick of any table he wanted. 

Normal circumstances wouldn't have made Estella so irritable, yet in the mere three days school had started again, she felt she was falling behind. Agitation crept up on her as she cleared her throat. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now