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''Who's the troublemaker now?''

''Who's the troublemaker now?''

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• ── ≪ ✧ ◦《✩》◦✧ ≫ ── •

''WAIT- JUST REPEAT THAT- THE DARK LORD visited you- again?'' Bellatrix spoke. Her eyes were wide with disbelief and she oozed jealousy. 

''Yes Bella. He did.'' Estella replied smartly as she smoothed the material of her skirt down. 

The Ten were once again gathered in the Slytherin common room, all clad in emerald robes, prepared for the school day. Estella had called the meeting as soon as she could, thus it was currently just before breakfast, the day after her visit. 

''What did he say?'' Lysandra asked. Her green eyes flared with anticipation- she was desperate to be in the Dark Lords inner circle, always had been. 

''He wants us to form a club studying dark arts. To learn the things they aren't teaching us in school.'' Said Estella.

Lysandra nodded, not in the least sated, and leant back into her seat. Beside her, Rabastan and Bellatrix eyed Estella suspiciously. 

Just as she was about to continue, Bellatrix leant in to surreptitiously whisper something in Rabastan's ear, giving Estella a side eye. 

''Is there something you need to say, Bella?'' Estella spoke. Her tone wasn't angry, but instead glacial, menacing. ''Because if so, then do please share with the group- otherwise, be quiet like everyone else. It's not that hard.''

Sniggers echoed throughout the common room as Bellatrix flushed purple. 

''Shut up, Estella.'' she muttered quietly. 

Bellatrix's fists had formed small angry fists. Her entire life Estella had ruled everything- dictated how things would be. For crying out loud- she was the eldest, not, Estella. She deserved to be leading the Ten. She deserved to be visited by the Dark Lord. Not her younger sister. 

Andromeda and Narcissa exchanged a wary glance. 

Pandora straightened her spine.

Evan wearily combed his hand through his white locks of hair. 

Everyone was set on edge, a very different contrast from the previous sniggering. No one insulted Estella and got away with it- not even her own family. 

''What was that, Bella?'' Estella hissed. Her eyes narrowed into slits as she looked at Bellatrix. 

''Because, please, I'm sure we'd all love to hear what you have to say.'' It wasn't an invitation it was a condemning. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now