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''Be the best''

• ── ≪ ✧ ◦《✩》◦✧ ≫ ── •

ON THE FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, EVERY YEAR platform nine and three quarters was flooded with bustling parents, giggling children and the overwhelming sense of bittersweet excitement. Families embraced their relatives with warm hugs and lovers with warm caresses. The house of Black would never stoop to do such vile things. 

Estella and her sisters glided down the platform a solid, undefeatable unit. People blanched in their path and mothers pulled their children away, eyeing them cautiously whilst they muttered to those around them.

Andromeda and Bellatrix stood to Estella's left, whilst Druella and Cygnus Black walked ahead of them- leading them. Their three black crows. 

The starchy material of Estella's black cloak rustled as she turned to Andromeda. Her sister's hair was styled in pin curls and a red rouge tinted her cheeks. Her dress was a deep forest green and stood out in stark contrast with her sisters. 

Underneath Estella's cloak she wore a pressed white shirt, it's sleeves belled, and a short black skirt. Practical and wonderfully chic. Bella was dressed similar, bedecked in shades of black and white. She had always had an awful tendency to copy Estella. 

Many times Estella had contemplated shredding her sisters wardrobe and demanding she buy herself a completely new one instead.

A few feet ahead of them, Cygnus briskly snapped his fingers without turning his head. The footman trailing the family darted over to the train- the girls' trunks in hand. The corner of Estella's lip quirked up. The footman darted towards the train rather like a frightened dog as he lugged the sisters' trunks behind him. 

The Black's continued their slow glide towards the train. Estella knew her mother revelled in the wary looks she received. It was no secret that the Black family was a proud one, who took almost as much care in upholding their family values as they did in dressing fashionably. 

They did after all, have a notorious reputation that needed to be kept fresh in the minds of the weak. 

As the family neared the train, a flash of dark hair caught Estella's eye. Sirius. It had been an age since she'd last seen him- last summer if she was correct when the fool had abandoned his family for the Potters. 

He'd begged her to go with him, and she'd callously laughed in his face before sending him on his way with a flick of her pale hand. Years of being close had tainted his mind. 

Despite being inseparable as children, he'd still had the impudence to ask Estella to abandon everything she'd worked tirelessly to achieve and for what? A life with a family of blood traitors. Never.

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now