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''Please, I'm begging you, make her breathe.''

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''OI EVANS!'' YAXELY CROWED FROM ACROSS THE courtyard, ''fancy taking me back up on that offer of a trip to Hogsmede? I think-''

Lily's gaze snapped onto the swaggering boy, making his way towards her and Marlene. A cocky smile was plastered across his face as his thick fingers idly twirled his wand.

Lily's cheeks flushed deep rouge. ''Oh piss off Yaxely.'' She called out. 

Marlene snapped shut the book she'd been reading, on alert. Nothing good ever came of Yaxely and Lily being in the same room. 

Yaxely always had to go and make a risque comment that set the girl off and Merlin knew it was hard to calm Lily back down when she was angry, humiliated, embarrassed even. James Potter had learnt his lesson the hard way. 

''Oh come on Lily-sweet.'' Yaxely grinned. ''Just one trip- you don't even have to open your legs for me-''

Lily shot to her feet. ''Your disgusting, just- just bog off!''

Estella slunk deep into the courtyards shadows, intent on not being spotted involved in the scene. She'd take credit for it- of course, but she wouldn't be doing anything. This ensured she escaped all blame, just the way her parents had taught her. 

Punish and maul, but don't get caught, Estella darling. Wreak as much havoc as you like, just don't let the blame fall on you. Always have a scapegoat.

That's exactly what Yaxely was in that instance. Estella's scapegoat. 

Lily gave the boy a hard shove. ''When will you learn. I don't want to go out with you-''

Yaxely's grin turned unfriendly.

He sneered at the girl. ''What you think your too good for me. You with your oh so uppity morals. Your a fucking mudblood and you think you're better than me?''

Lily let out a shocked gasp at the cruel slur as Marlene slammed her book down and made her way over to the boy. 

''The fuck did you just call her?'' She yelled.

The courtyard was empty save for a handful of third year Hufflepuff's siting a good distance away, however the sound of raised voices still succeeded in catching their attention. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now