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''It looked like Peter Pettigrew was a rat in his own ranks. And Estella knew what Serpents did to rats.''

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POTIONS HAD BEEN TEDIOUS AND AS Slughorn let the class go, Estella couldn't deny she was glad to be out of the stuffy classroom. The pungent mix of assorted potions was foul and no matter how much the room was cleaned, the smell still lingered like a stale ghost. 

As she exited the room, Estella wasted no time in saying a quick goodbye to Nancy and Lysandra before darting behind the corner and pulling out a cigarette. It had been two days since her last and there was too much pent up agitation in the girl for her to resist a quickie. 

Since her last smoke, Estella had found her lighter after digging deep into the bottom of her bookbag. She flicked it open now and lit the tip of her cigarette, letting out a breath of ease as the familiar scent of tar filled her lungs. It was disgusting yet the familiarity was there all the same. 

Hearing sudden footsteps behind her, Estella moved to rapidly snuff out the cigarette before realising who it was. 

''Mind if I join?'' 


Estella brought the cigarette back up to her lips and took a long, deep, drag. ''Not at all. Well, unless my cousin's there. If he is then most certainly not.''

James scoffed and came to stand beside the girl. He dumped his bag on the floor and leant against the wall. ''You have no reason to hate him you know-'' he began.

''I have every reason.'' Estella hissed. She glared at James over the top of her cigarette before reigning herself in. James shrugged and lit a cig of his own. ''Name one.'' 

''I don't need too. It's none of your business.'' Estella snapped. 


''So, don't go sticking your big fat head where it doesn't belong Potter.'' Estella covered her mouth with her free hand as if she could take back the impulsive words. 

Great job Estella, you've gone and fucked it up. You had one job, to be nice, and you fucked it up. 

''Sorry- I-'' Estella began. James shrugged, staring straight ahead, and blew out a puff of smoke. 'It's fine. Touchy subject, I get it.''

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now