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''Find me a necklace to go with it, and you have yourself a date.''

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IT WAS AN EARLY SATURDAY MORNING AND LAUGHTER rose like a peaking swell in the crisp air. Andromeda Black and Ted Tonks walked side by side down the crowded streets of Hogsmede, pink cheeks blooming for another reason besides the cold. 

The two however weren't holding hands- heaven forbid if someone saw them. Instead they had to settle for the odd shoulder bump, caress of the pinkie, secret smile. For Andromeda hadn't forgotten that she'd been promised to Malthus Mulciber- a piggish boy who often traipsed around with Yaxely's circle of friends. 

They were pompous gits the lot of them, and Andromeda hadn't been exactly quiet when spilling her entire thought process to Ted as the two walked down the snow dusted streets.

''I can't marry him- I won't.'' She sighed. ''I should've had at least another year before receiving my letter- I just turned sixteen!''

Ted's warm eyes watched her with sympathy. The two's forbidden dalliance had been going on for a few months now. There was something so entrapping about Andromeda that he couldn't help but be drawn back to her time and time again. 

It didn't hurt that she was a typical House of Black beauty, with high cheekbones, pin curls and rosy cheeks, nor did it hurt that she was exceptional in bed- if Ted did say so himself. 

He brushed his thumb featherlight across her palm. Even the slight touch was dangerous. Who knew what could be lurking in the shadows of Hogsmede village. 

Hogwarts- once a warm and welcoming environment, safe for all, had rapidly transformed over these past few months. It's initially safe halls were now lined with future death eaters and the likes. Nowhere was safe to speak unheard by prying ears. 

It had made the task of carrying on the two's romance exceedingly trying.

Ted and Andromeda had already been caught once last term in a boom closet, by none other than Bellatrix Black. The witch had certainly given the pair grief in the moment, yet he didn't care about that. Bellatrix was nothing but a terrier with a sharp tongue and a thirst for chaos. He could easily deal with that. 

What Ted was unable to handle however, was the sore sight that greeted him at the start of the new year. He'd waited, just as he'd promised, for Andromeda in Hogwarts' greenhouse, a cheerful bouquet of flowers in his grasp. And she did come, just not looking the way Ted had remembered her. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now