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''Crucio! ''

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tw. descriptions of abuse and violence


As expected, Druella and Cygnus arrived back at Black Manor in the early hours of the morning only to have Minchum recite the nights events and the calamity she'd heard upstairs. 

Of course Minchum had been too terified to check on Estella herself after loosing an eye to the girl.

Druella had rushed up to Estella's room, jaw set with annoyance at the news of a commotion.

 She'd expected all four sisters in bed by now. They needed their rest what with the promise ceremony coming up. 

No one could know what went on behind Black Manor's closed doors, it was important the sisters looked healthy, happy.

Whatever Druella had been expecting to find when she entered Estella's room, what greeted her was far from. There, on the cold floorboards sat Estella, wrist shackled to the iron railing of her radiator. Her hair was a bedraggled state however she looked perfectly peaceful. 

Her normally spark fuelled eyes were dull as they stared emptily at the wall opposite her. 

Druella had dropped to her knees, fussing over her daughter- her dear Estella. She'd ordered Minchum to bring up hot carrowroot tea and Cygnus to check on the other girls- not that she cared. It was a matter of principle.

Druella had asked question after question about what had happened, and to each Estella's expression remained blank. She saw Druella's lips move, heard the faint noise escaping them, yet none of it registered in her brain. All she felt was this lovely comforting numbness. 

Within minutes Druella had Estella bundled up underneath her covers in bed. 

A motherly hand stroked back her wild hair in what might've looked like loving motions, yet Estella knew better. Her mother was only worried about Estella because she was the prodigy child, the only one who could carry on the Black empire. 

Bellatrix was too weak, Narcissa too spineless, Andromeda too soft hearted.

Well, it didn't really matter what Andromeda was now. She was gone. 

When Cygnus returned to Estella's room he had a look of fury etched onto his hard features. ''Narcissa and Bellatrix are in bed.'' He spoke smoothly. 

''And Andromeda?'' Druella asked. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now