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''Walk in a straight line for me. If you can do that I'll let you go on your own.''

''Fine, Potter, whatever, I'm drunk.''

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THERE WAS NO OCCASION JAMES POTTER LOVED more than Halloween. Something about it's endless parties and spooky thrills made his blood sing. The Marauders were infamous for throwing the biggest Halloween party every single year without fail. 

The first few years Slytherin tried to compete by throwing a party of their own yet the hype soon fizzled out when it because apparent that their parties were never going to outdo the Gryffindors. 

That and the fact Snivellus snitched on his own house for being too noisy. What a prat. 

Now, it was two days later, on the eve of Halloween and all the Marauders were gathered in the common room, having skipped fifth period, to plan the party. 

''So Pads your on drinks duty- go charm Mdm. Rosmerta in Hogsmede before the end of the day'' Sirius smirked and made a mock salute at James. Rosmerta had always had a small crush on the boy. Sirius didn't shut it down, in fact he entertained it- in his defence it did get them free drinks all the time. 

''Pete, you and Remus are on banner hanging duty-'' Remus and Peter nodded in unison ''and I'll be making sure the word gets out to everyone but teachers.'' James finished. 

He looked mighty pleased with himself, tonight was going to be one of the best parties the Marauders had ever thrown. 

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''Hold your wand steady Cissy,'' Estella snapped as she walked past sister. It was the first Dark arts session the Ten had held and already Estella was beginning to feel like she was disappointing the Dark Lord. Not only did hardly any of the Ten know how to properly execute the unforgivable curses, but they were shit at hexing too. That was all going to have to change. 

''Stop- stop!'' Estella brought her hands together in a resounding clap, catching the attention of the Ten. 

''Your all useless do you hear me? Useless!'' 

They looked sheepishly back at her, the cold stone of the room of requirement tinging their cheeks blue. 

''Do you not want to help the Dark Lord? Do you want to fail him? Because that's what your all doing now.'' Estella exclaimed as she threw her hands up in exasperation. These were all amateurs.

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now