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''Us snakes often have duplicitous intentions.''

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''WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!'' A HAND GRABBED Estella's wrist, tugging her back sharply. She already knew who it was without having to look. 

''Get off Potter I'm not in the mood.'' 

''I don't care,'' James countered. ''I am.''

Estella scoffed, attempting again to tear her hand out of his grip. 

''Not very gentlemanly of you, I must say. I assumed you had more class than cornering innocent young ladies in dimly lit corridors.''

James rolled his eyes. ''Skip the pretence Estella, we both know your no innocent young girl.'' 

''Do we?''

The air between them thickened as James stepped forward. 

''I'm going to ask you again. What the hell was that.'' 

Estella tugged her wrist a third time. James's grip only tightened to the point of bruising.

''I had nothing to do with it.'' She hissed. ''It was all Yaxely.''

James stiffened at the mention of the boys name. ''He may've carried out the order but it was you who orchestrated it. You were there- I saw you!''

''You don't know what you saw.''

''I know that Yaxely has mush for brains. Someone put him up to that.''

''Beats me.'' 

The tension between the two was insufferable. Gone was the fake facade Estella wound around herself when she first attempted to ensnare James Potter. Now it was replaced with the cold ugly truth. Estella Black was a viper. A viper poised to strike. James couldn't help but think snakes were most dangerous when they felt threatened, and him keeping Estella in place surely raised her hackles. 

''Why.'' He ground out. 

Why do you continue to do this. Why when I want to believe so badly that you're not what everyone says you are, do you continue to be exactly as described. Wicked. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now