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''I'd go to hell for half the things I'd do if you asked.''

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tw. descriptions of violence 

JAMES JUST ABOUT MANAGED TO HOLD IT TOGETHER as he walked back to the castle, Sirius a few paces behind. 

Remus and Peter had cleverly decided to take the long route back, giving the two some privacy.

James didn't waste any more time in ruminating with his thoughts as he stormed into the Marauders dorm. Why Sirius had just handed Estella over like that was beyond him- he'd left her to the fucking wolves. 

''Want to tell me what that was?'' James snapped. 

Sirius's gaze was unfocused as he looked up. ''What,'' He replied dully. 

It felt like someone had hollowed out his chest, carved out every fleshy inch until all that was left was a gleaming surface of bone. He felt empty, devoid of all feeling.

James however was on his last thread of patience. 

Mulciber dealt nasty blows, and the accompanying headache from where the older boy had hit him didn't help his temper one bit.

''What? One minute you actually looked at Estella like she wasn't the devil incarnate, and the next you dropped her cold and stomped off!'' 

''I don't want to talk about it.'' Sirius ground out stiffly. 

Despite how he'd forced his hands behind his back, James had seen how they shook with tremors. James had seen how Sirius had to physically tear his gaze away from Estella's limp, sobbing body, in order to hand her over to Regulus. 

''You didn't want to give her back!'' James protested. ''What changed, you- she needed you!''

''Estella doesn't need anyone.'' Sirius spat. He shouldered past James to get to his bed, shrugging on a second jumper and grabbing a thick coat. 

James didn't know what came over him in that moment. Maybe it was the fact that Estella and Sirius had actually gotten somewhere before Sirius- no, what had been done was done. 

''The hell she does!'' James cried. 

At James's shout Sirius froze. His eyes narrowed as he turned to look at James. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now