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''What happened ''

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''This is wrong. It's fucked.'' 

''I know Reg, believe me I know.''

Estella slowly peeled her eyes open and winced at the immediate flood of noise. It pierced her senses and the sharp smell of sterile healing potions invaded her nostrils. 

Someone had drawn the curtains in her room, or just forgotten to open them and as a consequence her bedroom was daubed with shadows. 

At the foot of her bed, Pandora and Regulus hovered. Both wore identical expressions of disgust tinged concern. 

''How do you feel,'' Regulus started. 

One pale hand lingered by his lips as he surveyed Estella's still form. 

Pain ebbed throughout her body, in parts a throbbing blare and in others just a dull echo. 

Estella didn't respond. She licked her lips, running her tongue over where the skin was split. Regulus understood the silence perfectly. It was shame that prevented Estella from saying anything. White hot shame. 

Her furious words so recklessly thrown at her parents replayed in vivid flashes. 

Phantom pain bloomed in Estella's spine as she recalled how she'd jerked on the cold floor of the parlour, her spine screaming in protest as her back arched impossibly high-

''What day is it?'' Estella spoke. She avoided Regulus and Pandora's gazes. She couldn't bear the pity that she was so sure resided in them. 

''It's the twentieth.'' Pandora replied. If she thought hiding her hands behind her back would conceal how hard she was wringing them, she was sorely mistaken.

The Twentieth of December.

Estella shut her eyes as hot dread pooled in her stomach. The promising ceremony was only four days away. How long had she been out?

''Estella-'' started Regulus. Estella's eyes shot open. ''What are you doing here?'' She asked. ''Both of you. What are you doing here?''

Below, the sounds of lively music and chatter sounded through the floorboards. If Estella were to guess, it sounded like her parents were throwing a dinner party. What better way to draw someone's eyes away from the ugly truth than misdirection? 

There's only so many layers of paint you can slather over rotting wood. Estella thought bitterly.

''Families of The Ten were invited to dinner.'' Regulus replied. ''Everyone's downstairs, we managed to sneak away for just a minute.'' 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now