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''Cut the crap, your deluded if you think I'm marrying you!''

''Cut the crap, your deluded if you think I'm marrying you!''

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• ── ≪ ✧ ◦《✩》◦✧ ≫ ── •

ANGER BLINDED ESTELLA AS SHE PACED DOWN the Slytherin common room to the portrait hole. She knew where Lucius was- where he always was on Saturday mornings- Hogsmede.

Estella had forgotten to bring a coat with her, fuelled purely by the adrenaline and humiliation that thrummed through her veins, but even once she'd stepped outside and the initial shock had worn off, the biting cold still didn't affect her.

She stormed past McGonagall, who was on duty for the Hogsmede students, and walked down the tunnel that lead into the small village.

''Ms. Black what are you-''

''Ms. Black!''

''Ms. Black you come back here and register for your outing or you'll be in detention for the rest of the week you hear me!''

McGonagall's shrill cries echoed behind her, yet Estella ignored them with furious persistence.

The tip of her nose and cheeks were tinged red from the cold and Evan's shirt that she still wore was stiff from the sudden icy temperature.

Estella flung open the door of Rosmerta's tavern, ignoring the strange looks she received from the customers- including the Marauders.

By Merlin she must've looked a strange sight; face twisted with shame and fury, shirt untucked and black flats wet from the snow, yet she didn't care.

''Malfoy.'' She snarled. ''Outside. Now.''

The amicable chatter inside the tavern ceased as the customers watched Estella with confused and wary eyes.

The cocky smirk on Lucius's face was priceless, whilst Evan and Regulus's looks of concern and confusion were predictable. Evan immediately clocked onto to the fact she was still wearing his shirt.

Only one thought was prominent on her mind when she laid eyes on Lucius.

Make him hurt.

Estella raised the crumpled letter up, gripping it so tight she was sure new creases had formed in the parchment. ''What, the fuck, is this!''

Lucius's smirk only widened. ''I see you received the confirmation letter for the engagement.

''Outside.'' Estella repeated. ''Now.''

''Whatever the lady wants.'' Lucius laughed.

He casually strolled out after Estella, sending a wink back to Mulciber and Avery who'd also joined him Evan and Reg in getting butterbeers.

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now