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''Regulus, Black.''

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IT WAS MIDWAY THROUGH THE PROMISING CEREMONY and Estella clutched onto her boquet of white lillies with white knuckles. Cold sweat graced her back as jitters filled her head to toe. To any onlookers she may've seemed quite alright, with a set jaw and eyes filled with determination to go through with what needed to be done, yet internally she was a complete mess. 

Although this wasn't the official marriage ceremony itself, the promising ceremony could've been considered more important than the actual marriage contract itself. It was an opportunity for the Noble Families to branch out, form connections within their tight knit ranks. All eyes would be on the young brides this evening and Estella felt putrid, like she might be sick at any given moment.

She stood in a line just outside of the Abbey's entrance hall as she waited to enter the Cathedral. Bellatrix and Narcissa had already been promised, and it was only Estella, and a few of the Ten who were left to be Promised. 

Estella shifted on the balls of her feet as she craned her neck to try and see better inside the Cathedral. Nancy and Evan had just been Promised, much to the dismay of a seething Estella and it was now Victoria Carrow's turn- Estella would be next.

''May I now call to the ceremony, Victoria Alexandra Carrow.'' The ordainers voice carried through to the small chapel the girls anxiousley waited in. With a tiny inhale, Victoria started into the church, her hands trembling as she clutched a boquet of her own. 

Estella took a step forward. Merlin she was next, what was she going to say- do?

Nothing. She was going to do nothing. She would be promised to Lucius as planned, play the part of the good daughter until she found her chance to strike back at her wicked parents. She just had to bide her time and wait for the perfect opportunity- for their soft underbelly to be exposed, she thought with sick glee.

Suddenly scattered applause filled the Cathedral and Victoria could be spotted with Lysander Mortis walking back down the aisle arm in arm. Had it gone by that quickly? Estella snapped out of her thoughts, she had no time to lose herself in them now. 

''May I now call to the ceremony, Estella Carina Black.'' 

Estella swallowed the thick lump in the back of her throat to no avail, before hesitantly lifting the long milky veil over her head and starting the slow walk into the Cathedral. Suddenly it was all too silent, the short clips of her glass heels being heard painstakingly clear against the marble of the Cathedrals floor. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now