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'' I think you'll find evil can be rather... freeing. ''

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ESTELLA'S FOOT TAPPED IMPATIENTLY AGAINST the stone floor of platform nine. James had already exchanged heartfelt goodbyes with Euphemia and Fleamont, and was now attempting to explain to Sirius why he couldn't sit with the Marauders during the train ride. 

Sirius, as expected, was not taking it well. 

Estella shot a vexed look over her shoulder at the pair. Faint extracts of their conversation could be heard over the humming bustle of platform nine, mostly when one or the other raised their voice, yet Estella didn't need to hear what they were saying to understand how the conversation was going. 

Sirius threw his hands up in exasperation, his posture all coiled up anger and feeble attempts to try and understand his mates reasoning. 

''What do you mean you can't explain right now?'' His volume spiked, earning the fraught pair a handful of interested looks from passerbys. 

Estella, James and Sirius had yet to actually cross through the barrier and onto platform nine and three quarters, thus the odd looks they received came mostly from hurried commuters on their way to work, yet anxiety still gnawed at Estella's stomach. 

So much was at stake- so very much to lose. Her and James could not falter, however Sirius was making it exceedingly hard for their plan to run smoothly. 

James ran an exasperated hand through his thick hair. ''Look Pads, I'll explain everything? Okay? I just cant right now.'' His tone carried the heavy weight of finality. Even if Sirius wanted to continue their bickering, James had just made it clear there was a conversation to be had, just not right then and there, where all eyes could be watching. 

With his jaw in a stubborn set, Sirius tore his furious gaze away from James' and wasted no time in dashing through the barrier, loaded trolley in hand. Estella watched James's broad shoulders sag. She placed both hands on their trolley and began to push it forwards, knowing James would follow. 

''He'll understand.'' Estella murmured. James shot her a crooked, half lidded smile. It was a casual smile intended to mask the pain that twisted beneath. ''He has too.'' Estella pressed. ''You'll make him understand, eventually.'' 

Again, all she received was that slow, sweet smile. 

Her bravado faltered. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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