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'' I'll join you. I'll switch sides. ''

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ESTELLA FOUND THE SPARE BATHROOM SIRIUS WAS talking about. She also found a bedroom decorated in quidditch posters and childhood books. She took a tentative step inside and took in the double bed, spare quidditch kit, and debris of objects that littered James's bedroom floor. She never did peg him as the tidy type. Her lips twitched fondly. 

Through the thin walls the sound of a shower running could be heard, and given James wasn't currently inside this room, it didn't take a genius to guess where he was. Estella didn't know what spurred her to near the adjoining door, nor why she turned the handle with hesitant fingers. 

A thick cloud of steam rose to greet her as she stepped inside the bathroom. It brought a rosy flush to her cheeks and settled in condensed droplets on the thick fringe of her eyelashes. Estella glanced down at the dried blood that encrusted her hands, neck and night dress. Euphemia had done a good job of getting rid of most of it, yet Estella wouldn't be satisfied until her skin was red and raw from scrubbing it off herself. 

James' faint humming filled the bathroom, low and sweet, as Estella slipped her nightdress over her head and let it pool in a bloody heap by her ankles. With a deep breath she pulled aside the shower curtain revealing James with his back to her, letting the hot water scald his back as he tilted his neck back, enjoying the sting. 

Estella watched, entranced, as thin rivulets of water traced the outline of his broad shoulder. She let her fingers trace the sharp angle of James's shoulder blade, painfully faint, and her eyes gleamed with something as James turned to face her.

For a brief moment his expression flashed with surprise before it morphed into something deeper, something yearning. 

''You're okay.'' He breathed. 

Estella smiled and pushed back his wet curls in a motion so tender it surprised even her. 

James leaned into her touch, a soft shudder rippling through him. 

''You were so still-'' his gaze shuttered recalling the sight that had first greeted him when he flung open the front door of the Manor. 

Estella took a step towards him, tugging his chin down to meet her gaze. She wasn't short by any means, yet James had the build of a quidditch player and reached a good few inches above the top of her head. 

''Am I still now?'' She caught his bottom lip and he melted, aflame, beneath her touch. 

''No.'' James's voice was low as his eyes fluttered shut, an expression of complete euphoria painting his features. Estella tangled her slender hands in his thick curls as she deepened their kiss. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now