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''Help! Someone help me she's having a seizure!''

''Help! Someone help me she's having a seizure!''

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• ── ≪ ✧ ◦《✩》◦✧ ≫ ── • 

''HE'S ON THE MOVE YOU KNOW.'' NANCY SAID, the sound of her quill scratching against parchment filled the silent space between the two.

Estella and Nancy sat by the Black Lake during lunch, wrapped up warm in their Slytherin scarves and over cloaks. 

''I'm not an Imbecile Nancy.'' Estella snapped. ''I know that.''

Nancy, unfazed by the girls bitter mood on the Wednesday morning, continued. ''Rumours are floating about. He's preparing to rise. Apparently there's a spell that prolongs life, or more accurately makes him immortal.''

Estella had heard the rumours too. About the horcruxes- objects of dark magic that when enchanted by a certain spell could trap a piece of one's soul. She thought it was rather smart.

''I wonder what he'll make them out of. Or if he's done it already.'' Nancy pondered. ''I'd make my horcrux a coin and then hide it in Gringotts. No one would ever find it then, lest they want to sift through endless piles upon piles of gold.''

Estella did have to credit Nancy- the girl was sometimes too smart for her own good. Just as she flicked to the next page of the textbook she was studying, the sharp tang of coppery blood filled Estella's mouth. 

Her brows furrowed as she took a sip of the bottled pumpkin juice to her left. To her horror, the thick taste of blood only increased ten fold. The girl gagged. 

''Estella are you quite alright,'' Nancy spoke giving her a side eye. ''You look white as a-''

Estella threw her head back, violently shaking, her eyes rolling into whites. 

''Estella oh my god!'' Nancy cried. 

The girl trembled violently, her pale blond head slamming against the hard ground of the bank by the Black Lake. Estella's back arched painfully high, twisting sharply as she convulsed. 

''Help!'' Nancy screamed. ''Someone help me she's having a seizure!'' 

Estella heard the girls voice faintly, fading faster by the second as the roaring in her ears multiplied. Her arms trembled as her body shook and blood filled her mouth. Two strong hands took hold of her shoulders, pressing her down hard against the grass to try and keep her still. 

Everything became one blurred mess, Nancy's screams for help, the other students crowding around, Madame Pomfrey rushing to cup the girls head so she didn't crack it open against the frozen ground. Only one thing was clear. The Dark Lords voice. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now