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''drop dead'' ''low blow''

''drop dead'' ''low blow''

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• ── ≪ ✧ ◦《✩》◦✧ ≫ ── • 

ESTELLA WALKED DOWN THE STONE STEPS of the Slytherin tower. Her blonde hair was pinned up in a braided circlet that sat atop her head like a crown. As she stepped out of the Slytherin dungeons, a mop of black hair and the abundant smell of expensive cologne hit her. Sirius. 

The boy stood in front of her, grinning ferociously. ''Cousin.'' He spoke through gritted teeth. Estella breezed past him, seemingly unbothered and on her way to breakfast. ''Cousin.'' She replied airily. Sirius wouldn't get the better of her. He was nothing to her now, the title 'cousin' held nothing more than stale memories that had turned to ash at the start of the year.

''What do you want.'' Estella said. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. ''A little birdy told me that you had a certain encounter with James Potter yesterday.'' Sirius replied. His long strides matched Estella's brisk pace within seconds. 

''What business is it of yours what I do anymore?'' 

Sirius's face fell imperceptibly, yet Estella still caught it. She felt her mother nodding internally. Good, make him hurt. 

''When it concerns my best mate it's has everything to do with me.''

Estella spun around and booped Sirius on the nose with a red polished finger. ''Trivial matters.'' She said and carried on walking. 

Sirius grabbed her arm in an iron grip. Sharp pain bloomed from where his fingers dug into her arm, yet Estella did not wince. Sirius expression was urgent and angry. ''You stay away from him, Elle. I mean it.'' Estella however winced at the nick name. ''He means more to me than any of you Black's combined. You don't even make up half the family he's become to me over this past summer, so stay far, far away from him.'' Sirius let go, the abrupt movement causing Estella to stumble backwards a few feet. 

She shook invisible dust off her pressed collar ad jutted her chin out. ''It's Estella.''

Sirius bowed mockingly. ''Estella.'' He spat, face tilted towards the ground and arms splayed out in a scorning manner. Estella's hands shook by her sides. The small movements were flitting butterflies, dancing by the sleeves of her robes. She knew they must've been caused by the rage searing through her veins yet something else pulled at her conscious. Something more emotive, something more human. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now