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''Why is my sister clutching onto a basin in the dead of night throwing up soil! Soil for heavens sake!''

''Why is my sister clutching onto a basin in the dead of night throwing up soil! Soil for heavens sake!''

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• ── ≪ ✧ ◦《✩》◦✧ ≫ ── • 

TWO NIGHTS LATER, A MAN STOOD in front of Estella, his face was turned away, yet something deep inside her twisted at the knowledge that it was hideous. The man's scarred hands were pale and veiny, sickeningly so, and his thin skin was stretched tight over knobbly bones. He looked weak and fragile yet impossibly strong- as if he could kill you with a mere flick of his hand. 

His head was shaved bald and too had spidery veins creeping up it. Estella fought the vehement urge to vomit. 

Come closer.

The man's lips did not move yet his words sounded in Estella's head clear as day. 

Though she did not want to, her feet moved of her own accord, drawing her towards the shrouded figure. He was clad in black robe that hung in tatters. The material was sodden and stained, with tears pulling apart the fabric as if the material was doing everything in it's power to escape the body that it clothed. Black magic reeked off the man just like the ring on Estella's fore finger, Regulus's locket and presumably, Pandora's diadem. 

Everything about the ominous man screamed bad bad bad, yet Estella couldn't stop her feet. At last after what felt like an impossibly large distance crossed, she reached the figure and raised a hand to his shoulder turning him around. 

Don't be afraid.

The silent voice said.

If you show fear you shall disappoint me.

He turned and the sight that met Estella turned her stomach to the point of agony. Just like his robes, the man's face was shredded. The white skin that stretched too tight across his body hung, limp, in peels and oozing welts and flesh gleamed with infection beneath. 

His eyes were sunken cavities of despair that screamed of emptiness and hollow want whilst his lips were cracked and bleeding. 

Another strip of skin hung there, moving slightly in the non existent breeze. The worst part of it all though, was the mans nose- or rather lack thereof. In it's place sat two snakelike slits, barely wide enough to allow oxygen to pass through. They flared when the man saw horror bloom on Estella's face. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now