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''We all have our letters, correct?''

''We all have our letters, correct?''

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• ── ≪ ✧ ◦《✩》◦✧ ≫ ── •

IT WAS RARE THAT JAMES DREAMED, AND ON THE few occasions that he did they were often short and fleeting images. But last night? Last night James dreamed in technicolour and one face was prominent throughout all the images- Estella. Plus it was also a rather nice dream, thus when he was rudely awoken by a pillow to the face you could understand his annoyance. 

''Moons what the fuck-'' James cried as he shot up, rubbing at his sore forehead. 

''Oh come on it was a pillow Prongs it couldn't have hurt that bad,'' Remus scoffed with a grin. 

Peter chuckled and Sirius snorted. 

''Well is there any particular reason you've awoken me early- on a Saturday no less?'' James muttered. 

Remus's grin expanded as he eyed James's neck with knowing eyes.

''Where did you get those, eh?'' He pointed to James's neck. The boy's brows furrowed before realisation hit him. 

James leapt out of bed and raced straight to the mirror next to Sirius's bed. 

Sure enough, the entire column of his neck was littered with small bruises, some bigger and darker than others. 

''Merlin Prongsie-'' Sirius exclaimed. ''I got some action last night but even I don't have marks that bad. Guess Rosie was a good shag after all.''

''Who?'' James stuttered, still focused on the condemning hickeys on his neck. 

''Rosie McNamara?'' Sirius prompted. ''The Hufflepuff girl- Y'know the one you took upstairs?''

''Right, yeah, her.'' James muttered. ''She was fine I guess.'' 

Sirius raised an eyebrow. ''Fine? McNamara's got one of the best pair of knockers I've ever seen-''

''You've seen them?'' Peter squeaked. Remus promptly moved to cover the boy's ears. 

''Seen and-'' Sirius started

Moving swiftly on'' Remus reprimanded with a pointed look at Sirius. ''Also Sirius put a shirt on'' he added, throwing the boy one of his many faded band t-shirts. 

''Thanks Moons'' 

''Coming back to the actual problem,'' James cut in. The marks were all over his neck, from the hollow of his throat to the underside of his jaw. There was no way he could conceal them without a spell. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now