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''There's a guest room at the safe house, you'll be free- ''

''There's a guest room at the safe house, you'll be free- ''

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• ── ≪ ✧ ◦《✩》◦✧ ≫ ── •

tw. graphic descriptions of distress

PING. THE GOLDEN SNITCH STRUCK THE CEILING. As it fell back down, wings tucked in, James threw it up again just as he'd been doing for the last half hour. 

His arm burned with the effort, it's strong muscles quivering slightly from the constant motion, yet he kept throwing the snitch back up time and time again and ignored the dull ache that burned away at his muscles. 

He threw it one last time before leaving it stationary beside him on the bed. 

James looked around his room despondently. He felt helpless, fucking helpless. 

He was no idiot, James Potter knew all about the proceedings of this years Sacred Twenty-Eight Ball. He knew Estella was engaged to Lucius and knew there was nothing he could do to prevent it. He was just so goddamn frustrated.

Why in Merlin's name hadn't she come with Sirius last summer when he'd offered it. If she had, there would be no pompous promising ceremony this Sunday's eve, no hopeless feeling brewing in the pit of James's stomach. 

Despite Sirius' constant warnings James couldn't prevent how his heart felt- how it seemed to stop altogether whenever he spotted her. 

It had taken every bit of self restraint in him to not ask her to dance at the Yule Ball. He'd almost driven himself to the brink of insanity trying everything he could possibly do to avoid seeing her that evening. 

When Sirius had suggested he numb whatever he was going through with a handy bottle of Firewhisky who was James to decline? Not that it had helped in the slightest. 

Well, in Estella's respect it had. He'd gone the entire evening without saying one word to her. It did however go and royally screw up whatever thin semblance of friendship he'd formed with Lily. 

Despite being blackout drunk James could remember fleeting parts of what he'd said. Oh Merlin it had been awful, he'd gone on a rampart about love, babies, all topics not appropriate for 'Lily-talk' as Remus named it.

Lily's conditions for being friends had strictly ordered that at no point was James to make a pass at her- not flirt, tease etc. 

She must've thought him awfully cruel to upheave all his thoughts about the future on her like that. 

James squeezed his eyes shut tight recalling the way her face had scrunched up with first disappointment, and then a tortured mixture of frustration and sadness. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now