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''Marry me, Estella. ''

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''TIGHTER.'' ESTELLA DEMANDED, A WOOZY HAND laid flat against her abdomen as her breaths shallowed. ''I need it tighter.'' 

Dizziness crashed into her with heady waves and one hand gripped the one of the four posters of her bed to ground herself. 

''But Miss-'' Minchum started. ''Me- methinks it can't go any further.'' As if to emphasize her point Minchum pulled the strings on the back of Estella's corset as hard as she could to no avail. 

Estella took more breaths as she waved the house elf away. ''Fine.'' She conceded. ''It is tight enough.'' Estella stood, ignoring the way her legs shook like jelly underneath her. ''Fetch my dress.'' She snapped, trying her hardest to not turn around and face the elf. 

Minchum's eye had never properly healed after the incident. It's socket still drooped, pathetically eyeless and grey fluid occasionally formed in the sunken pit. Estella refused to look directly at the house elf and see the permanent ramifications of her actions. 

As Minchum brought her promising dress forward Estella's eyes ran over it, her gaze hollow. Druella had picked it out along with Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda's, although the latters now sat unused somewhere in Black Manor with no one to wear it. 

Minchum gingerly laid Estella's on the floor, allowing the heavy white lace to pool by her feet as she stepped into it. 

Estella ran her fingertips over the material as Minchum fastened the dress and completed the long line of tiny buttons down her spine. It was high necked with long sleeves and complimented her height making her seem tall, statuesque. 

It did however do nothing for her ghostly complexion and if anything, the pale fabric washed her our even more, bringing out the bruising bags underneath her eyes out with a painful vibrancy. 

The dress although made with thin spidersilk was heavy and it's weight bore down on Estella cementing her in place. The lace ran from her high collar all the way down to her long sleeves and eventually into a draping hem behind her. 

Before dressing her, Minchum had braided Estella's pale blonde hair into a braided bun. The style was tight enough that it tugged at her temples, pulling a dull headache out. 

To Estella's left lay an opaque sheet of milky white, her veil- designed to cover her features right up until the altar at which she was to be promised. The idea was that the first to see her was her promised, same for each of the engaged girls of the Sacred Twenty Eight. 

cruel intentions ✦ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now