• Hiraeth •

940 176 212



This book is for the people who lock their feelings inside their hearts because by expressing it, they get misunderstood.


This is for the overthinkers who wake up everyday and wonder if they have a purpose in life.


To all the dreamers out there.

This is for you.

And me.


As I slowly opened my eyes, vision blurry, I lead them on an exact four figures, still blurry. Feeling every slightest bit of pain rushing through my body.

What's wrong with me?

As my vision gradually cleared, I found myself lying in a bed, it's a hospital bed.

I'm in a freaking hospital.

Carefully trying to get up, I felt heavy hands pushing down my shoulders, forcing me to lie back again.

"Mom?" I said with a confused look on my face.

"Why am I here? What happened?" I nervously scanned the room as I found my dad, my ex boyfriend and the doctor standing on the other side of the bed.


My Ex boyfriend?

What the hell is he doing here?

"Don't worry dear, everything is alright." mom said while caressing my hand with her thumb as I hardly was able to think.

"Thank god you're okay! We've been worried about you so much!" dad sighed with relief, reaching out to me, he kissed my forehead several times.

As I started questioning what's happening, with an intense feeling of daze and exhaust, the doctor captured my gaze with a reassuring smile.

"I know these words that I'm going to say won't relieve you much, but I don't want you to worry. You've been in a stroke-induced coma for the past six months due to a several reduced blood flow. And you just woke up from it fifteen minutes ago." he claimed, writing notes on the document.

A shock of panic hit me as I squeezed my mom's hand tight. She responded with a slight kiss on my forehead as she gently rubbed my back.

A coma?

For six months?!

That makes no sense to me.

"What are you talking about? I remember every single detail that happened to me before finding myself in a hospital, as if it was yesterday!" I questioned, voice shaking. "How would I end up here?"

"Well, most people don't usually realize the amount of time passed while unconscious." The doctor explained. "It's perfectly normal to feel this way."

I always believed that if you get into a coma you'd feel sick or aching. But I feel just fine. Why am I here?

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