• Lacuna •

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"You paralyze me every time I try to find some paradise...

... I got to feel the void, but now I'm paranoid."

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I fixed my gaze on the crystallized lights, reflecting off the ocean, far off the shore. I felt alive. Hopeful.

Suddenly, the voice of a middle aged man passed through my ears, disrupting all of my thoughts

"Are you looking for someone?" he asked.

"Hmm?" I blinked at him severally, trying to remember why I came here in the first place.

"Are you.." he pointed at me, ".. looking for someone?" he repeated.

Now I remember why I am here.
He's right. I'm looking for someone.

"Oh, yes. There's a blonde guy, about eighteen years old, who used to come here and sit at the lagoon like every night and morning. Do you perhaps know where he is?" I inquired, hoping for a relieving answer.

He stayed silent for a minute, trying to recognize the guy I'm talking about, but he then shook his head. "I come here everyday, but I've never seen him before, I'm sorry."

I nodded at him with frustration, as he slowly walked away. I then glanced at an old man, with really old glasses, sitting in a plastic chair, isolated from everyone.

I realized he's been staring at me the moment I arrived here, his gaze was creepy.

He clearly knows something that I don't know about.

I reached out to him as I knelt down with both knees so that he can reach me as well.

Yes, I'm that tall.

"Excuse me, sir." I whispered, receiving a sudden eyebrow raise from him.

"Huh?" he mumbled.

"Sorry for disturbing, but did you perhaps see..."

"The blonde guy? Your boyfriend, right?" he questioned with deep curiosity. "Who used to come here with you everyday?"

The moment he said that, my eyes constantly teared up with joy.

You know that feeling when you were about to lose hope, but then a sudden miracle happens making you regain all of your hopes? That's what I felt.

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