• Paracosm •

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"Is this the place we used to love?..

..Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

"Was that the last conversation you ever had with him?" Ethan questioned, focusing his gaze on me

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"Was that the last conversation you ever had with him?" Ethan questioned, focusing his gaze on me.

"Yeah, yes it was." I anxiously cleared my throat, "That's pretty sure everything I remember."

We were on our way to the orphanage Mikhail grew up in, looking for any evidence to prove that I'd actually met Mikhail six years ago.

Maybe there were any signed papers proving it, or camera clips, we'd sure ask the principal about them.

We first walked through a temperate forest, I assumed it's where Mikhail tried my mother's chocolate brownies for the first time, or where he had tried any sweet at this point.

It's very ironic I'm starting to believe I've actually been there before. I still have no clue but somehow that memory awakened hope in me, in us.

We finally reached to the orphanage, it's a huge dusted building, looking a lot similar to prison, several old trees surrounded the building's walls.

Me and Ethan reached to the gate, he tried to open it but it couldn't open.

"It's abandoned." He said, whipping off the dust in his hands.

"Looks like it." I frustratedly turned back, kicking a small rock with my foot.

"What now?" He turned to my direction with a disgruntled sigh as he placed his hands on his hips.

"I don't know." I narrowed my eyes as I looked at the building, sun burning me alive. "Maybe we shou—"

And suddenly, I remembered.All the memories I had here with him, it rushed like an endless waterfall.

The way he smiled at me after a long hard try for him to do so, the way he touched my hands and I instantly felt my heart throb through my ribcage, the way his jade green eyes continued to deeply gaze me, study me as though there was nothing else worth staring at, the way he saw future through me, future and hope, safety and comfort.

For him, I was an escape from a harsh, cruel world. For me, he was a way to be lost through a beautiful one.

We both needed each other, we both had nothing but each other. It was as though I created this fantasy to escape to whenever I needed him. And he was always there, except that I  weren't.

I remember memorizing his name as though someone whispered it to me, as though it was the smoothest word to slip out of my tongue, it's like everything was planned from the very beginning.

And I remember being covered in blood. I remember opening my eyes, to a torturing feeling, to my heart wrenching million times as though someone has ripped it off alive.

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