• Utopia •

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"We talk all night, we talk all day...

...wish I can meet you on the other side."

"What's this?" I stared at a strange object Ethan has grabbed from his dusty invention pile

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"What's this?" I stared at a strange object Ethan has grabbed from his dusty invention pile.

"This," He prepared to say with pride, taking in a deep breath. "this is my proudest inventions."

It was just a piece of headgear with wired electrodes. "Good for you?" I narrowed my eyes with confusion.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "It's going to help you meet Mikhail."

I sprung up from the couch, "Really?" My eyes glowed shine.

"Yes," His hands studied the invention as he walked towards me. "It's supposed to be an electroencephalogram."

I blankly stared at him, "Huh..?"

"An EEG is a test that detects abnormalities in your brain waves, or in the electrical activity of your brain. During the procedure, electrodes consisting of small metal discs with thin wires are pasted onto your scalp." He clarified, and I'm still not sure I understood that well. "The electrodes detect tiny electrical charges that result from the activity of your brain cells. The charges are amplified and appear as a graph on a computer screen, or as a recording that may be printed out on paper."

"And.. what does that have to do with the multiverse teleporting?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I've created this device," He showed me another object, a tiny one this time, too black to study it's details, it was made of iron and had a shining red light. "so I could attach it to the EEG, if I did, it'd supposedly help the brain cells focus on a specific matter such as a parallel universe, making it easier for you brain to realize it's own purpose, which is teleporting to that specific world. At first, you had unconsciously done it multiple times without the help of a device guiding your brain. But now we are going to let you teleport by your own will and choice, not accidentally so there won't be any risks like before."

"So it's like shifting realities?" I questioned.

"Exactly, a reality that your brain has already teleported to many times before." He added, "You'll just have not to lose focus."

"How am I supposed to do that?" I anxiously knitted my eyebrows.

"You're gonna know everything, for now I just want you to relax on this couch till I prepare the psychic experiment." He said, reaching for his computer.

"How'd I know you won't mess this up?" I reached and laid my back on the couch, "What if I died through this experiment?"

"I thought we moved past the trust part." He tilted his head, offended.

"We did, but isn't the EEG supposed to be carried out by a highly trained specialist?" I narrowed my eyes at him, deeply horrified from such risk. "You're just a psychology teacher!"

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