• Elysian •

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"She could be up, she could be down..

...but I'm not around, to see her."

~San Francisco, California

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~San Francisco, California.~


"Hey, Eve. Wake up!" he murmured, still waiting for me to open my eyes. but I kept them shut, I just had no energy to respond or do anything.

"Eve? Get the hell up!" he forcefully shook my shoulders three times in a row.

I sprung up from the bed, gasping, startled by how strongly his arms felt on me, he glanced at me with a warm smile on his face.

I glared at him, brows knitted in a frown. "Jesus, Mikhail! No one wakes a human being like that!" His smile became wider as he reached for my cheek with his thumb, caressing it.

This guy has always been so weird.

I've always knew that.

But I probably liked it.

"Sorry, darling. I had to wake you up before your mom enters and realize that you haven't done your assignments yet, or you would get scolded very badly." he said with a chuckle, patting my head like a little kid.

"Well, next time do it like a gentleman." I said with a brittle voice, rolling my eyes back at him as he responded with a chuckle.

"You seem sad, what's wrong?" he asked frustratingly, tucking my wavy raven hair behind my ear.

I looked at him, and was on the brink of tears. "I'm fine." I said giving him a fake smile.

He sighed with despair. "Let it all out, Eve." he wandered through my heather eyes as if he knew something was wrong. "I know you're not doing okay, I feel it."

The moment he said that I felt the whole world collapsing upon me.

Tears welled up in my eyes and began rolling down my cheeks like rivulets. "I just-.., missed you."

His eyes wandered mine with sorrow as he slowly pulled me in between his warm arms, gently kissing my forehead. "I missed you more, honey." his voice sounded broken.

Deeply broken.

I tried not to depress the atmosphere as I pulled myself  from his hug, forcing a smile.

I then rested both hands on his shoulders, playfully patting it. "But now that you're here, with me, I'll be just fine."

He got up and offered me his hand. His innocent smile had me blushing.

"Come on, I wanna show you something."

"To where?"


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