• Ataraxia •

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"Gotta let go of weight..

..can't keep what's holding me.."


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Fate. Destiny. Path.

They're all words we consider as an excuse for the actions that tend to happen in our lives, whether it's a thing that we accept or not.

Your little kid got his arm broken when he was playing hide and seek even though your husband warned you not to let him play in the crowd?

No worries! It's his fate.

You were forced by all means to marry your abusive boyfriend just because your heart couldn't let go of him?

So what? Probably destined.

You got resigned from your dream job and had to suffer for two years finding a new suitable one-with the same salary-just because your boss was a little harsh on you?

It's fine, wasn't the right path anyway.

All these actions that happens to us, we get it cleaned and covered with those exact three words.

To help ourselves cope with the subject of regret.

To get away with the guilt that seeks to haunt our hearts forever.

In my opinion, they're just cheap excuses that you hope to get brainwashed with, and continue moving forward, repeating the same mistakes.

The mistakes of your own actions.

Not fate, not destiny, not paths.

It's your free choice.

The choice you unconsciously make and have to suffer its consequences.

It's our own actions that lead us to every path, every fate, and every destiny. With our own will.

We're the ones who have the power of changing the world, every detail of it.

And that's by every choice we choose.

So I, one day, hope that whatever choice I have chosen, to actually change my life into a better place.


I got home from my violin class, I had dinner, took a nap and then I did my assignments that almost caused me a mental breakdown.

As I tiredly laid on bed, I heard Liam calling on the phone. I sighed and hung up on him.

We had a fight the other day because he didn't want me to attend any other violin classes. So it wasn't really a good time for him to talk to me. And I was pretty sure he didn't call to apologize. He always does the mistake and blames me for it.

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