• Metanoia •

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"I know, I've heard that to let your feelings show...

...is the only way to make friendships grow."

"But I'm too afraid now."

You know how damn special you are, Evelyn David

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You know how damn special you are, Evelyn David.

That phrase never dared leave my brain. I wasn't convinced that I was special at any point. How would I be? And to whom? Why? Why were I too special for them to keep searching for me for more than six years?! How did they even know who I was?!

The fact that Mikhail insisted on faking my name and ID was definitely because he knew something about me, he knew that his boss was searching for me so he warned me about staying at his place because it was too dangerous. That's also why he told them I was Marcus's step sister, because it would have been less suspicious as they only knew me by my name and not my features.

It all made sense, but what didn't was the fact that Mikhail held too many secrets I knew nothing about. Which made me doubt trusting him again.

Why would he not be honest with me?

It was 9 am in the morning and I couldn't sleep from how much I kept overthinking everything.

I got up, took a shower and put on black leather pants, a white pullover with short black boots.

Getting out of my bedroom, I found Mikhail and Marcus sitting on the couch having breakfast.

I sat on the couch opposite them, glancing at the cup of coffee and the plate of pancakes that Mikhail had prepared for me. "Morning."

Marcus waved at me and Mikhail pursed his lips together, they both seemed frustratingly exhausted. I wasn't sure if they were mad at me because I didn't listen to what they said or if they were mad at themselves because they never would have saw it coming.

I was pretty sure I regretted not listening to them, but I was in a such confusing state that I didn't know I'd get easily fooled by someone like Adriano who seemed an angel but was in fact an actual devil. I never would have thought that in a million years.

We all were silent, sipping on our coffee.

I found Mikhail grabbing a white box and giving it to me. "I bought you a new phone, since you dropped the other one last night."

"Oh, thank you-.." I murmured, taking the box as I stared at it for a moment then looked back at him. "You actually didn't have to, I was going to buy a new phone myself."

"It wasn't your fault it got broken and then lost." he said, scratching the back of his neck. "It was all my fault, I should have not let you go with him in the first place."

I looked down at the box with a chuckle. "Well, I should have listened to you guys when you warned me about him." I said, glancing up at both of Marcus and Mikhail. "I'm sorry I didn't."

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