1.1 | The New Kid

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The sun was shining down on the beach, laughter flowed through the air as two children run in and out of the water as the waves lap against the shore teasing the two. "First one to find a shell wins!!" The oldest of the two shouted with a giggle, the six-year-old quickly moved to find a shell while the youngest of the two pouted and looked around in hopes to find a shell before the eldest. "I win!" The oldest cheers before turning to see the youngest fighting back tears. "Don't cry, Kali," The oldest said with a pout, he walked over to her as she sniffled.

"You always win these games, Robby," Kali whimpered with another sniffle knowing their mother hated it when she cried. "I'm sorry, Kali... here, it's for you," Robby held out the small shell that formerly belonged to a hermit crab. "Rweally?" Kali asked before smiling, she carefully grabbed the shell from her brothers hand before hugging him. "Best brother ever!" Kali cheered making Robby laugh as he hugged her back. "You my twin, of course its for you," Robby replied to her before the two continued playing in the sand until they had to leave.

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Kalon let out a quiet groan as she sat up in bed only to groan louder as she looked at the time on her phone almost knocking the small vial holding a shell. "Why so early?" Kalon whined before turning and faceplanting her pillow. "KALON!" Johnny called out to his daughter, she rolled her eyes before climbing out of bed adjusting her Flash tank top and shorts. "Dad, why so early?" Kalon mumbled as she walked out of her room, her father serving up some cooked ham and scrambled eggs.

"Because I've made breakfast and if I don't wake you before I leave for work, you won't get up till late," Johnny explained to his daughter before pouring some juice into a cup. Kalon yawned again as she sat down at the counter, brushing her short hair out of her face. She smiled up at her father as he placed her plate in front of her, grabbing her fork she began eating before looking over to the three trash bags.

"Did you actually clean up without me whining about it?" Kalon asked between bites, Johnny nodded at his daughter as he took some pain killers for his headache. "I could hear your voice in my head and it was irritating," Johnny whined to his daughter who smiled proudly. "Good, I'm conditioning you right then," Kalon spoke with a chuckle before finishing her breakfast. "How about this? I'll help put them in the bin," Kalon offered.

The two of them made their way outside to the bins when someone startled Kalon. "Hey, I'm Miguel," The voice spoke, Kalon turned to him as did Johnny. "My family and I just moved into 109," Miguel continued before looking to Kalon with flushed cheeks as she smiled sweetly. "Great. More immigrants," Johnny whined causing Kalon's eyes to widen. "DAD!" Kalon snapped at him before slapping his arm.

"I'm sorry about my dad, he forgot to take his medicine that tames his personality," Kalon spoke cheekily ignoring her father's playful glare but smiling wider when Miguel laughed along. "Actually, we're from Riverside. But anyway, I was just wondering if you were having trouble with your water pressure, 'cause I know our sink's being a little weird right now and..." Miguel rambled on as Kalon listened.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now