1.7 | Feeling Weak

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Kalon leaned against the wall as she watched Miguel practise his punches on Benny, she admired the poise stance he used as her own stance was different. "Hey, you two don't happen to have any friends who wanna learn karate, do you?" Johnny asked as he walked out of his office looking at the two teenagers. "Oh, what am I saying? You don't have any friends. Kalon, any of your friends who might be interested?" Johnny turned to his daughter while Miguel looked mildly offended by the statement.

"Sorry, dad. I'm not so sure," Kalon shrugged as she fiddled with the zip of her red leather jacket that rested over her blue shirt. "Hey, Sensei, when am I gonna learn to do some kicking?" Miguel asked before looking back to Benny as he continued, "I was watching this Youtube video of this guy breaking boards and it looked badass. Plus, I've seen Kali practise kicking." Kalon smiled at the use of the nickname her father called her.

"Yeah, no shit. Kicking is badass. But you're not ready," Johnny informed him while Kalon looked at the watch on her wrist. "Besides, if I don't get more students in here, I'm not gonna be able to teach you anything," Johnny exclaimed, Kalon took notice of the stressed expression on his face and the bills in his hands. "You've thought about advertising, right?" Miguel inquired with furrowed brows, Kalon nodding along with her best friend's words.

"Yeah, duh. 'Course," Johnny replied which made Kalon laugh before resting her arm around Miguel's shoulders. "That means "No, I didn't" and so we should definitely work on it ourselves," Kalon spoke up with a teasing smirk towards her father who rolled his eyes and walked back into his office leaving the teens to laugh together. "Come on, we gotta get to school. Dad!" Kalon called out, the older Lawrence groaning before walking out of the Dojo.

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Kalon sat next to Demetri, the two of them were rambling on about their D&D roles while Miguel listened along with furrowed brows and Eli watched in envy at the free-flowing conversation between his best friend and the girl he has a major crush on. "Cyberbullying is no laughing matter," Counsellor Blatt announced through the microphone gaining the cafeteria's attention. "Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face," She continued while Kalon sighed.

"I'm not gonna name names, but the other day, a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity," Counsellor Blatt looked towards Eli with a sympathetic expression practically announcing to everyone who she was talking about. Kalon gritted her teeth angrily as people around them began pointing at Eli and whispering amongst themselves, a few laughing in the process.

"Kali..." Miguel spoke softly catching Demetri and Eli's attention, they all noticed the tight grip she had on her plastic bottle as it squashed in her hands. Finally having enough of the whispering, Kalon stood up and slammed her hands on the table gaining everyone's attention. "If one more person comments on my friend's looks, I will rain fire on this cafeteria and you'll all be carried out on stretchers, understand?" Kalon's voice was scary calm and everyone went quiet.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now