2.7 | Crash And Burn

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Kalon was furious. She couldn't describe the anger radiating off of her as she drove through the night toward Cobra Kai Dojo. Demetri, Sam and Robby had told her about their run-in with Cobra Kai ─ with Hawk ─ where they tried to beat Demetri up over a damn Yelp review, thankfully Robby and Sam got involved and ended the fight. But Kalon was beyond done with Hawk's new persona, his attitude and his new Alpha complex ─ she wanted to punch him.

She pulled up as Moon's car drove away, Kalon didn't bother to turn her engine off as she climbed out of her car and walked towards Hawk. "What happened?" Kalon asked as she approached him. "She dumped me," Hawk told her, part of him was hoping that Kalon would make him feel better about it considering Moon had dumped him because of his attempted beat down on Demetri and 'cause she knew he was still harbouring heavy feelings for Kalon; no one forgets their first love especially the "one that got away".

"Not surprised considering Moon wouldn't date a bully," Kalon snapped at him before shoving him back, "You went after Demetri?! He's your best friend!" Hawk stepped forward with an eye roll. "He was there before the mohawk, before the karate, before you were some macho badass with an Alpha complex! He had your back through everything and this is how you treat him?!" Kalon shouted at him angrily, her hands waving about in the process.

"Oh yeah, he was a great friend. Dating the girl I love, great bro code," Hawk snapped causing Kalon to freeze at his words. "L-Love?" Kalon stuttered out as Hawk stepped closer to her, she swallowed slowly as he smiled ─ a genuine smile on his face. "Yeah, Kalon... Love. I love you," Hawk whispered to her. Kalon's heart was racing at the word, she felt the butterflies in her stomach that betrayed her mind ─ she shouldn't respond like this; And she loathed that she did.

Before Kalon could say anything further, Hawk grabbed her face in his hands and slammed his lips onto her own. Kalon was frozen before she slightly melted into the kiss, her heart was racing as she slowly kissed back ─ her mind was a fuzzy mess. Hawk moved his hands from her face to her waist, pulling her closer to him when a truck horn startled Kalon from her mind. She pushed Hawk away and stepped back, shaking her head in the process while Hawk watched her closely.

"HOW COULD YOU? HOW COULD I?!" Kalon snapped as she turned away from Hawk, she ran her fingers through her hair. "Come on, Kalon. You can do better than Demetri... We─We can finally be together," Hawk spoke as he reached for her hand, pulling her towards him before leaning to kiss her again. Kalon pushed him back and brought her fist back before colliding with his jaw, "I can't believe we'd do this to Demetri... that you'd put me in this position!"

"Don't act like you didn't kiss me back," Hawk snapped back at her as he held his jaw, fury flamed through their eyes as they stared each other down. "It was a mistake..." Kalon replied before moving to walk away. "No, it wasn't! You're just too scared to admit that you love me back," Hawk told her as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back towards him, looking down at her as she glared at him. "That's where you're wrong, Hawk," Kalon seethed out.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now