1.8 | Halloween Dance

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Kalon and Miguel walked up to the Cobra Kai Dojo spotting Johnny getting out of his car. "Hey, Sensei, you told us to be here at five, right?" Miguel asked as Kalon took notice of the defeated expression on her father's face. "Yeah, but today's training's cancelled," Johnny replied as he unlocked the door, the two teen's looked at each other before following him inside. "What? Why?" Miguel asked while Kalon threw her bag to the side. "'Cause I said so," Johnny answered as he walked into his office.

"Sensei, there's something that we wanna show you," Miguel announced as he pulled his laptop from his bag. Kalon smiled hoping that this would cheer her father up, give him the same hope he was giving them. "Look, I'm really not in the mood," Johnny says with his back to Miguel and Kalon as he grabbed a beer. "Dad, we really think you'll like this," Kalon added as they stood in front of Johnny holding the laptop out to him. "It's a Cobra Kai webpage, right?" Miguel placed the laptop down on the filing cabinet.

"We made it in study hall. Click on the snake," Kalon encouraged with a small smile. Johnny looked at his daughter before stepping forward and clicking on the mousepad, the Cobra hissed on-screen before transitioning upwards. "Okay, this is the sign-in page. Now we were thinking, maybe we can make an app where you track your progress-" Miguel began before allowing Kalon to continue flawlessly, "Get a social media campaign going, get it out to the whole school. The possibilities are endless."

Johnny looked to the website impressed before smiling at the two teens as Miguel's phone began to ring. "That was my mom. I'll call her back later," Miguel shoved his phone back in his pocket while Kalon smirked at the ringtone. "Hey, was that just... Ratt?" Johnny asked as he looked up at his daughter, the blonde smiled and nodded. "Awesome, right? Yeah, I went online and looked up Guns N' Roses after Kalon showed me Paradise City and then I ended up going on this whole '80s rock rabbit hole with Kalon," Miguel explained as the two teens fist-bumped.

Johnny smiled at the two, his memories flashed back to his friendship with Bobby Brown and he couldn't help but compare the similarities that made him feel nostalgic. "All right, meet me at the high school at midnight. Don't be late," Johnny says to the two. "W-What for?" Miguel asked as Kalon groaned knowing why. "You wanna learn how to be kick-ass? First, you gotta learn how to kick," Johnny replied before smirking at his daughter who was frowning.

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Kalon was never more grateful for a nightguard than she was the night before the dance, after her father decided to push the two teens into the pool for their kicking lesson, she despised the idea of going near water again - at least not around him. Cobra Kai never say die, that's what she repeated in her head as she kicked her legs in the pool and what she screamed as they were running away from the nightguard through her laughter.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now