2.5 | Valley Fest

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Kalon sighed as she rolled out of bed, she yawned unattractively before attempting to detangle her hair with her fingers only to get caught in a knot. She opened her door and froze in place seeing her father standing there with an unsure expression, she assumed he was second-guessing his decision to knock on the door. "Can I help you?" Kalon asked quietly, she crossed her arms against her chest and leaned on the door frame as she looked up at Johnny.

"I, uh, just wanted to know if you wanted to grab breakfast... with me... I was thinking that nice diner you like just out of the valley," Johnny told her with a hopeful look but Kalon couldn't find the strength to push past what happened between them. "Uh, sorry... I've got plans," Kalon answered, she wasn't lying as she and Robby made plans for breakfast but watching the hopeful expression fall made her heart clench painfully.

She knew better than to hold a grudge but she also wasn't going to let her father go unpunished for his treatment toward her, especially considering Kreese was still a devil on her father's shoulder which was only bound to get worse before better. "Oh, alright. No worries, do you need any money?" Johnny asked her but she shook her head before stepping back and closing the door leaving Johnny standing before it without a clue how to fix their bond, after all, he chose his former Sensei over his own daughter.

Kalon had a quick shower before slipping into a white babydoll dress, she brushed her hair before slipping a white headband on her hand. She smiled as she smoothed out the dress, pulling on a blue denim jacket over the dress before pulling on her white Chuck Taylor's. Her phone buzzed on her bedside table, she picked it up to see a message from Robby asking for her to hurry up, so with an eye roll, she grabbed her bag, keys and phone before heading out of the apartment without a goodbye to Johnny.

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"That's an awesome idea!" Kalon informed Robby as the two walked out of the diner. He had told her about Daniel's idea to do a demonstration at Valley fest to get some students for the Dojo and she genuinely thought the idea was good. "Yeah, it'll be interesting," Robby told Kalon as they leaned against her car. "Oh come on, be a little more enthusiastic. You may interest the opposite gender," Kalon teased as she wriggled her eyebrows. "Not interested," Robby answered after lighting shoving her shoulder.

"No, you're not. Unless the female's name starts with an S and ends with an M, plus she's already a student for Miyagi-do Karate. Her father's the Sensei of the Dojo..." Kalon teased with a wink while Robby cleared his throat and turned to her. "That's how you're gonna play this?" Robby asked before smirking causing Kalon's eyes to widen. "Don't! I swear to God, Robby..." Kalon began curling in on herself slightly.

Robby feigned reaching out to tickle her before finally attacking her sides sending her into a fit of laughter. "A-Alright... I-I give!" Kalon shouted before letting out some breaths while Robby smirked triumphantly. "So unfair!" Kalon told her before the two laughed together, they got into Kalon's car unaware that Miguel had been watching the twins with envy ─ He wanted his best friend back, the girl he considered his own sister. And to Miguel, Kalon became another person on the list that Robby took from him.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now