1.17 | Anger

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Kalon sat next to Miguel looking up at the movie screen, he had convinced her to join him, Aisha and Hawk to see a movie. "Hey, what's wrong?" Aisha asked Miguel as Hawk threw a piece of popcorn at the girls in front of him. "I can't stop thinking about what Sensei told me about Sam's dad," Miguel answered while Kalon continued stealing Miguel's popcorn, rolling her eyes every time a piece of popcorn landed on the girls in the row before them.

"So, Sensei and Sam's dad had some beef. What's that have to do with you?" Aisha asked him, Kalon nodding along with her words. "Do I have to spell it out for you? Sam's dad hates Cobra Kai, I'm a part of Cobra Kai. So by the transitive property, Sam's dad is gonna hate me," Miguel explained with a panicked sigh. "Jesus Christ, you're such a nerd," Hawk stated, Kalon turned to look at him in disbelief at his words.

"I'm telling you, it's not just on my mind. Sam was acting weird the other day when her dad walked by," Miguel expressed ignoring Hawk's words. "Mm, listen, I've known Mr LaRusso since the third grade. He's a really nice guy, you just have to talk to him," Aisha expressed making Kalon nod along. "Aisha's right, Miggy. Give Mr LaRusso the chance to know you. I mean, look at me... I'm the daughter of Johnny Lawrence and Mr LaRusso doesn't dislike me," Kalon spoke up for the first time that night, Hawk's ears perking up at the sound of her voice.

"I haven't even been invited over yet. She's probably too afraid to introduce me," Miguel told them with another sigh while Kalon threw some popcorn at Hawk. "Dude, just go over there. It's an alpha move," Hawk informed him before looking at Kalon with a raised brow. "Oh yeah, 'cause you're so good at 'alpha moves', right?" Kalon snapped at him before looking at the movie screen, Hawk clenched his jaw, he was happy she spoke to him but he didn't like the attitude that he knew he deserved.

"Who the hell did that?" An older man asked as he stood up glaring towards the back of the cinema, Hawk tensed up instantly and focused on the screen while Kalon waved at the man before looking to the screen. Miguel was trapped in his thoughts about Hawk's advice while Aisha looked between Hawk and Kalon, she didn't like the tension between them and she knew it was about to get so much worse.

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Kalon walked towards the apartments, reaching into her bag for her keys when she looked up at the sound of smashing glass. "Hey!" Kalon shouted as she rushed forward spotting a couple of people smashing up her father's car. "Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Johnny shouted as he rushed over to stand with his daughter. "Consider this a message from Daniel LaRusso!" Louie said pointing a bat towards them before slamming it against the car.

"What are you going to do, Nancy?" One of the guys taunted as Kalon glared at Louie. Johnny rushed the guy, the second guy grabbing him so Kalon ran forward and kicked the first guy in the stomach while Johnny dealt with the second guy. The first guy attempted to shove Kalon to the ground, but she blocked him and managed to knee him in the stomach before punching him in the face letting her anger out on the stranger.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now