2.2 | Family Troubles

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Kalon sat in her room at her desk with her laptop open, she was scrolling through her Instagram when she came across old pictures of her and her friends from before Cobra Kai. She clicked on one, a photo of her and Eli playing video games together; both with smiles on their faces, though Eli's focus was on her rather than the game. She smiled softly before clicking to the next photo; it was her, Miguel, Demetri and Eli all together in their Halloween costumes. Kalon laughed softly at the hype comments from Miguel before a tear rolled down her face.

"Kali!" Johnny called out from the living room, the younger Lawrence closed her Instagram and wiped the tear from her face before making her way out of her room. "Yeah?" Kalon asked softly as she stood in front of her father. "Wanna come with me to the hardware store?" Johnny asked her, the two hadn't had any opportunities to hang out as father and daughter as they used to since Cobra Kai began. "Uh, yeah. Let's go," Kalon pulled on her shoes and followed her father out to his car.

"How are things with, uh..." Johnny trailed off trying to remember Kalon's boyfriend's name not wanting to say anything that would upset her. "Demetri, dad. My boyfriend's name is Demetri," Kalon corrected with a short sigh though she appreciated her father not saying a mean name. "But things are good between us. He treats me well and makes me smile," Kalon spoke fondly as she thought of Demetri. "As long as he respects you, that's what matters to me," Johnny told her before the two went quiet.

The air between them was still awkward due to their arguments, Kalon still had no idea about John Kreese's return to Reseda. They pulled up to the store and made their way inside, Johnny had a list of what he needed while Kalon was focused on her phone. She clicked on Aisha's story to see that she was with Miguel, Hawk and a few other Cobra Kai students hanging out, she ignored the pang of hurt at the fact she hadn't been invited along at all.

"Hey, I'm looking to replace a 4x8 piece of mirror," Johnny told the worker as Kalon walked up beside him with a blank expression. "Metallica. Noice," The worker spoke with a grin as he looked from Johnny's shirt to Kalon, the girl managed a small smile before turning her attention elsewhere. "Rock on, man," Johnny replied unbothered by the worker. "Rock on indeed, man. The '80s were the best era ever. The best era ever. Right?" The worker expressed with a smile.

Kalon sighed as she looked down at her phone after feeling it buzz, she smiled softly at the message from Demetri asking to hang out that night. "I mean, I was only like five years old when it happened, but still. You remember Caddyshack?" The worker asked Johnny with a smile. "Yeah, sure," Johnny replied as he glanced at Kalon, he smiled seeing her smile softly before turning an uninterested expression to the worker. "Yeah, you remember the gopher who used to dance? The..." The worker trailed off before imitating what he was referring to.

"Whatever the noise was. Hey, my question, is that a real gopher that they got to do that or is that like something they did with..." The worker trailed off as Johnny shrugged. "I don't know. I was partying with babes back then," Johnny told him causing Kalon to roll her eyes. "Dad..." Kalon whined out bringing a smirk to Johnny's face. "Listen, do you have the mirror glass or not?" Johnny asked the worker who became serious and nodded.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now