1.4 | First Lesson

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Miguel and Kalon stood side by side with each other in front of Johnny in the middle of the mat. "So am I going to get the Karate pyjamas too?" Miguel asks causing Kalon to bite the inside of her cheek so she wouldn't laugh. "Quiet!" Johnny yelled in his face making him flinch slightly while Kalon didn't. She'd been in screaming matches with her father before, usually about his drinking or about Robby, so the harsher tone of his voice had no effect on her anymore.

"The student only speaks when spoken to. Is that understood?" Johnny stood in front of Miguel, glaring down at him. "Uh, yes," Miguel responded hesitantly, Kalon mentally facepalmed. "Mini Lawrence, how should I be addressed?" Johnny stood in front of his daughter. "Sensei," Kalon responded in a strong tone. "Is that understood?" Johnny stood back from the two. "Yes, Sensei!" Miguel and Kalon spoke in unison with strong tones.

"These aren't pyjama's. This is a Gi. And you'll get one when you've earned it like Mini Lawrence," Johnny explained in reference to his first question. "All right, are you ready to begin your training?" Johnny asks the two teenagers. "Yes, Sensei!" The two responded instantly. Johnny nodded to his daughter who smirked before turning to Miguel before he could react, she grabbed under his arm and his waist, using her leg to hook it behind his and throw him to the ground.

Miguel groaned in pain as he looked to Kalon who stood tall with her hands locked behind her back. "Lesson one, strike first. Never wait for the enemy to attack," Johnny says as he holds back a proud smile. "You could have gave me, like, a warning," Miguel groaned out. "Quiet!" Johnny yelled again. "We do not train to be merciful here. Mercy is for the weak. Here, on the street, in competition, a man confronts you, he is the enemy. An enemy deserves no mercy," Johnny explained before turning to Miguel.

"What is the problem, Mr Diaz?" Johnny asks as Miguel shook his asthma pump. "There's no problem, Sensei. She punched me, and I have asthma, so..." Miguel trailed off as Johnny grabbed the inhaler and threw it aside. "Not anymore. We do not allow weakness in this dojo. So you can leave your asthma and your peanut allergies and all that other made-up bullshit outside. Is that understood?" Johnny stepped forward.

"Yes, but those are real medical problems..." Miguel trailed off when Kalon nudged him, a serious deadpanned expression on his face. "Yes, Sensei, understood," Miguel spoke softly. "Cobra Kai isn't just about Karate. It's about a way of life. Take that first lesson. Striking first is the initial step towards victory," Johnny says before standing in front of Miguel. "Okay, like when you're at a party and you see a hot babe. Yeah. You don't wait for some other guy to go talk to her first, do you?" Johnny questioned the teenage boy.

"I mean, I've never been to a party, so..." Miguel trailed as he looked to Kalon who smiled at him before looking forward again. "You aren't missing much really," Kalon spoke before focusing again. "Big surprise. All right, look... Striking first is about being aggressive, all right? If you're not aggressive, then you're being a pussy, and you don't want to be a pussy. You want to have balls," Johnny explained but Miguel looked to Kalon before looking back at Johnny.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now