1.9 | Aftermath

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"Robby, you may not like the way our father is but he just wants you to be better than him," Kalon spoke out loud as she brushed her hair, she had gotten out of the shower and was on the phone with her brother, Robby. "Yeah, well. I don't want him involved in my life," Robby replied as he ignored his friends. "All right, let's stick to our deal. No parent talk... I, uh, made a new friend," Kalon smiled at her reflection as she put her brush down.

"That's good. I didn't like the way they treated you," Robby spoke instantly. "So who is the new friend? Is she hot?" Robby added with his classic smirk which made Kalon scoff. "Okay, for one... Any female friends of mine are off-limits," Kalon growled before sighing, "But it's, uh, a guy named Miguel. He's new to town and he's been an amazing friend to me." Robby stayed silent, his older brother instincts kicking in as he processed his younger sister having a male friend.

"He hasn't made any moves on you, has he?" Robby asked, Kalon smiled as she heard his protective tone. "No. We are strictly best friends, he likes my ex-friend Sam. If anything, Miguel is like another brother to me," Kalon straightened out her T-shirt as Robby clenched his jaw. "That's... good for you. Hey, uh, I gotta go. Talk later?" Robby spoke. "Okay. Bye brother," Kalon placed her phone on the basin after Robby hung up.

Kalon walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her bag before walking into the living room where her father was passed out on the couch after coming home drunk with red spray paint on his hands. She let out a sigh before making her way out, locking the door behind her before making her way to the Diaz apartment though she was worried that Carmen wouldn't want her around Miguel after what had happened to him the night before.

So with an uneasy breath, she approached the door and knocked softly before crossing her arms against her chest in a hold of comfort. The door opened to reveal Carmen, the woman faltered for a moment before smiling softly at Kalon. "I'm not sure if you wanted me to stay away from Miguel but... he's my best friend and I feel terrible for what happened to him a-and..." Kalon had watery eyes as she remembered the state Miguel was in when they bought him home.

"Come in, cariño. Miguel has been hoping you'd stop by," Carmen stepped aside letting Kalon into the apartment. The young blonde looked straight to the couch where Miguel sat with an icepack against his ribcage. "Oh, Miggy..." Kalon walked over to him, placing her bag on the table before sitting on the empty seat beside him. "I'm okay, Kali. Don't worry about me," Miguel assured as he groaned slightly.

Carmen smiled as she watched the two interact, she looked to her mother with a smile, the older woman nodded slightly before walking out of the room. "I'm going to get them back, I swear. I wish I was there," Kalon looked down upset with herself for not being by his side, she was more advanced than Miguel, she could've kicked Kyler's ass. "No way! And risk them hurting you? I'd rather take a thousand beatings from them than let them lay their hands on you," Miguel lifted Kalon's face so she would look at him.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now