2.10 | Confrontation

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Kalon and her father had attended Tommy's funeral, the young blonde had spent the night crying in her father's arms as he too shed a few tears. But then came the next day, and as the Lawrences do, distance formed between them as Johnny fell to Kreese's words and Kalon was trapped on what she must do next. It was only a matter of time before her guilt swarmed her like an unpleasant sting of a bee, she needed to tell Demetri the truth about what happened between her and Hawk before the boys anger left him saying the words himself; And that terrified her.

She didn't want to lose Demetri, she loved him but she wouldn't tell him that; not while she was carrying this lie around with her. And so here she was, sitting in her car out the front of his home as her hands shook and her heart was pounding. Kalon climbed out of her car, locking it before shoving her phone and keys into her jacket pockets. Clearing her throat, she walks up the steps and knocks on the door awaiting for someone to answer it. Mrs Alexopoulos opened the door and smiled at the sight of her son's girlfriend, "Oh, hello Kalon. I wasn't aware you were coming over today."

Kalon kept her polite smile on her face, "Uh, yeah, well... It wasn't the original plan but I need to talk to Demetri, is he home?" Mrs Alexopoulos moved aside letting the teenager into the home before closing the door, "He's in his room. I'm about to head out so remember my rules." Kalon nodded before heading towards Demetri's room as the boys mother left, locking the door behind her. Kalon approached Demetri's door and knocked, the door opened to reveal Demetri who lit up at the sight of his girlfriend. "You didn't say you were coming over," Demetri told her as he grabbed her hand and pulled her into his room, closing the door behind her.

"Uh, yeah, I know," Kalon replied as Demetri leaned in to kiss her, she turned her head so he kissed her cheek instead. Demetri immediately realised that the pink-haired girls presence wasn't a casual visit to spend time together and he felt a pit in his stomach. "Okay, something's wrong. What's going on?" Demetri asked while Kalon took in a deep breath. "I need you to sit down and listen to what I have to say and then you can respond however you need, I'd understand whatever choice you made," Kalon expressed to him, Demetri sat down on the end of his bed as Kalon paced in front of him to get the right words ready.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush. I'll be completely honest with you," Kalon stopped and turned to Demetri who began thinking the worst. "The night that Moon broke up with Hawk... I showed up there to confront him for the day at the mall," Kalon started off, Demetri smiled slightly at hearing that his girlfriend had gone and stood up for him against his former friend now bully. "But... tensions and emotions were high and..." Kalon looked directly at Demetri, "Hawk kissed me." Demetri was frozen at first, he clenched his jaw and his hands curled into fists; he was fuming with Hawk for kissing his girl.

"And I kissed him back..." Kalon told him truthfully and like that, Demetri's whole body deflated and his anger turned to hurt as he looked away from her. "Now nothing I say can ever make up for what happened... and I know it was my screw up. The moment I realised what I was doing, I stopped it and punched him but... I should have shoved him away instantly. You have the right to know," Kalon expressed before she stepped slightly back from Demetri to allow him to process what he had been informed. The room was tense and silent as Demetri glared at the carpet and Kalon chewed her bottom lip fighting the tears, she wouldn't cry in front of him.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now