1.15 | Rifts Between Friends

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After school, Kalon sat with Aisha, Miguel and Hawk as they stretched before their afternoon class. "I need somewhere romantic, but not too romantic," Miguel asked his friends. "You could take her to get tattoos," Hawk suggested before Kalon could say anything. "What?" Kalon asked him with furrowed brows, watching as the teen stood up from the ground and turned around. Kalon's eyes widened as he removed his top to reveal a large hawk with a blue mohawk. "Oh, shit!" Miguel exclaimed.

"That is badass," Aisha complimented the tattoo. "Right? Fourteen hours in the chair," Hawk bragged as he flexed his building muscles. "Wait, are your parents okay with that?" Aisha asked him causing the smug teen to falter. "Oh, they have no idea. Definitely going to have to wear a T-shirt until college. Probably longer. Please don't tell them," Hawk asked his friends with wide eyes. "Uh, any other suggestions?" Miguel asked, looking at Aisha. "Don't look at me. Sam and I used to be friends, we're not anymore," Aisha explained.

"Well, uh... Girl's like chocolate, flowers and simple things," Kalon smiled awkwardly before looking down. "I mean, I'm not helpful. I've never been on a date, remember. No first kiss, Kalon Lawrence," Kalon added before she continued stretching. Hawk watched as her legs split out, her torso leaning forward to stretch making the teenage boy look away with slightly pink tinted cheeks. "Okay... I need your help," Miguel looked to Aisha.

"Fine, um... I know that she likes chocolates and astronomy," Aisha advised making Miguel nod along with her words. "I could work with that..." Miguel was cut off by Johnny's raised voice, "Banned?!" Kalon motioned for Miguel to go talk to him. Aisha got up and moved away from Hawk and Kalon as she finished stretching and closed her eyes to just relax. "What do you think?" Hawk asked. Kalon opened her eyes to look at Hawk, raising a brow at him. "Of my tattoo?" Hawk added.

"I think it's badass, but I pity the day your mother finds out about it because she will kill you," Kalon informed him as she moved to sit next to him. "Would you attend my funeral?" Hawk asked as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'd sing at your funeral," Kalon replied softly as she closed her eyes. She wasn't sure how she felt about Hawk compared to Eli, she fell for the shy boy with a sweet smile and though she liked Hawk's confidence, a part of her already missed Eli and she hoped that one day, the two would unite as one person.

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"You cannot be serious?" Demetri asked as he and Kalon walked out of the movie theatre together, the two had gone to see Godzilla. "Oh yeah, I'm deadly serious. He has a full Hawk tattoo on his back with a matching mohawk, but don't tell his parents or I'll beat you up," Kalon pointed at him with a playful glare, the raven-haired boy raised his hands in surrender. "Trust me, having you punch me earlier was enough," Demetri replied as he rubbed his shoulder.

"You were supposed to block. That's not my fault," Kalon explained with a smile. "So you think your dad will keep his cool at the meeting?" Demetri asked her as he slipped his hand into hers. "I hope so. I had Miguel give him a pep talk since my dad and I are still, uh, I don't know... There's this rift between us at the moment and I really hope it doesn't get worse," Kalon expressed to Demetri as they swung their interlocked hands back and forth.

"Hey, anyone who stays mad at you clearly has no soul because you are a Hufflepuff. You are sweet, kind but secretly could destroy an entire civilization within seconds," Demetri smirked at her as she laughed. "Wait, isn't Miguel and Sam?" Kalon asked as she looked over to the bench outside Golf N' Stuff. "Yeah, it is. They look like that had fun," Demetri shrugged before leading Kalon away from there.

"So... I, uh, was wondering-" Demetri began only for Kalon's phone to ring, interrupting him which made the boy roll his eyes. "Sorry," Kalon fished her phone out of her pocket and looked at the screen to see Eli's contact flashing. "Oh, Eli..." Demetri muttered before allowing her to answer the phone. "Hey Eli, what's going on?" Kalon asked as she and Demetri continued walking. "Hey, I was wondering if you were free right now?" Hawk asked after wincing at his name.

"Oh, uh... I'm with Demetri right now. He's walking me home," Kalon expressed while Demetri strained to hear the conversation. "Oh. I didn't know you two had plan's tonight," Hawk responded with a clenched jaw. "Sorry, we didn't include you. It was last minute," Kalon felt bad for not including Hawk, granted she wasn't lying about it. Demetri had shown up at her place and dragged her along with him to see the movie, but she still felt bad about excluding Hawk.

"Hey, it's fine. Maybe... We could do something together Friday?" Hawk offered as he sat down on his bed, trying to ignore the urge to punch his best friend in the stomach for making moves on his crush. "Yeah, sure! Friday would be great, maybe Miggy and 'Metri could-" Kalon started but Hawk cut her off, "I was more thinking a date. Me and you." Kalon stopped walking, her heart pounded in her ears as she repeated the words in her head.

"Oh, uh... Yeah, a date," Kalon cleared her throat while Demetri looked away from her not wanting to hear the rest of the conversation. "Sounds great, see you tomorrow," Hawk smirked as he hung up the phone. Kalon let out a breath before putting her phone into her jeans and looking at Demetri with a smile. "Confident Eli is... different," Kalon stated oblivious to the rift she had unintentionally put between the two best friends; a rift that would only get worse.

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Kalon walked into the apartment after saying bye to Demetri, she looked around and realised that her father wasn't home. The place was a mess, so Kalon threw her things on the counter and began cleaning up the empty beer cans, pizza boxes and random rubbish thrown across the ground. She rolled her eyes as she picked up a box and began putting the items back into it before spotting something under the couch.

Kalon furrowed her brows as she reached under the couch and pulled out a golden chain that had a Dahlia flower charm on it. Kalon had no idea who it belonged to or why it was there, but the girl shrugged and put it in the box before putting the box in her father's room, closing his door before deciding on a shower. She looked in the mirror and let out a slow breath at the light bruising on her jaw from class, washing her face before putting on music for her night routine.

She looked to her phone to see a message from Miguel saying the date and meeting were a success for their separate nights which made her smile, she was glad to know that Cobra Kai wasn't banned from the All Valley Tournament. When she finally got comfortable under her blankets, her Spotify playing Lo-Fi tunes, she remembered that she had a date with Hawk on Friday and she was beyond nervous for two reasons; Hawk was different to Eli but the spark of a crush was still there and... 'cause she was certain that spark existed for Demetri too.

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Rosemary Speaks

Can you tell that I love both Eli/Hawk and Demetri? I'm gonna be honest here, should I have Demetri and Kalon spark a relationship or not?
(^Love that I asked but ended up putting them together anyway lol)

See you in the next chapter!

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now