1.16 | Training

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Kalon stood between Hawk and Miguel in the middle of a wrecked car lot, her father stood on top of a car drinking from his can. "You've trained hard. You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?" Johnny asked the Quiver of students. "Yes, Sensei!" They all responded in unison. "Wrong! You're best ain't shit! If you want to win the All-Valley Under 18 Karate Tournament, you gotta give me better than your best," Johnny exclaimed to the class.

"Which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worst," Johnny informed them making Kalon sigh. "You understand?" Johnny asked. "Yes, Sensei!" They all chanted as one. "Are you losers?" Johnny questioned. "No, Sensei!" Kalon shouted with everyone. "Are you nerds?" Johnny asked next. "No, Sensei!" In unison, one fearful cobra. "Are you sure?" Johnny asked. "No, Sensei/Yes, Sensei," The class chanted no while Kalon chanted yes.

They started off running through large tires before smashing glass windows on cars to control their anger. They even walked across a board for balance, Kalon keeping her focus throughout the day while helping the others with their training. "You want to win, you gotta be hungry. You guys hungry?" Johnny asked as he handed them some beef jerky. Kalon's eyes widened as she looked at her father knowing exactly what was about to happen, the girl ─ before Johnny did anything ─ already booked it.

"Why is she running?" Miguel asked right before Johnny whistled, a few dogs came running towards them. Kalon had pulled herself up safely onto a car, she watched as everyone scattered throughout the car lot. "Eli!" Kalon shouted with her hands cupped over her mouth. The boy was almost cornered but at the sound of Kalon's voice, he managed to turn in time and rushed towards her. Kalon reached out her hand, throwing the jerky to the ground before pulling Hawk up.

The two tumbled, Hawk, catching her waist before she fell off of the car. The two of them were panting from running, the dog was quick to lose interest after having some jerky and went off after some others. "Are you alright?" Kalon asked Hawk as she looked up at him, the teen was admiring the way her eyes shone despite the pink tint on her cheeks from running. "Yeah, I'm great," Hawk answered as he let his touch on her waist linger.

"So, uh, you just gonna lay there over me or are we gonna sit up?" Kalon asked Hawk, the boy shrugged. "I don't mind the position actually," Hawk said before he brushed her hair out of her face. "Until my dad sees," Kalon forewarned the boy causing his eyes to widen and move away from her which made her laugh. "Relax, Eli. My dad knows I can handle myself so he doesn't do the whole 'threatening' thing," Kalon informed him as she sat up, crossing her legs; truthfully, her dad's never been sober enough to play the role of a dad.

Kalon looked around and noticed that the class had scattered towards the other side of the lot, so she took a moment to enjoy the peace and quiet. "Why do you still call me Eli?" Hawk asked genuinely. Kalon looked at him and let her eyes wander, moving from his eyes to his nose to his cheeks to his scar and finally his lips, which he licked at that moment, before looking back up at his eyes. "Because it's a part of who you are, it's the person I met first and the person I lo... became friends with," Kalon smiled before pulling out her phone after it buzzed.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now