2.6 | Road To Forgiveness?

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"That looks good," Hawk's voice pulled Kalon from the sketch she finally managed to start, it was a wolf but she still felt like she was on a path to the girl she was born to be. "Thanks," Kalon replied sharply, she didn't really know what to expect talking to Hawk. "I, uh...I noticed your disappointment at Valley Fest," Hawk spoke causing Kalon's guard to falter, the boy sounded like Eli at that moment and she wasn't sure how to respond. It had been some time since the Valley Fest, she was still very disappointed in her father who could've been more considerate.

"Yeah, well... Robby, Sam and Sensei LaRusso worked hard on their presentation last minute until Cobra Kai crashed the party out of spite and jealousy," Kalon replied, she didn't take her eyes away from her sketch even as Hawk sat down next to her, leaning back against the wall. "Come on, Kalon. It's friendly banter," Hawk told her before sighing at the eye roll, even he knew that it was more than friendly banter. The two sat in silence as Kalon focused on the shading of the howling wolf while Hawk watched her.

"I miss you and I'm sorry..." Hawk whispered to Kalon, almost like saying it any louder would damage his character. "I miss talking to you. Hanging out with you. It's not the same anymore," Hawk continued before letting out a slow breath. "I'm not the biggest fan of you and Demetri, but it's nice to see you both happy... even if it's not me bringing that ethereal smile to your face," And like that, Eli had made his appearance with his slow shy words.

Kalon's cheeks tinged pink before she looked up at him, the soft expression showed that he was genuine with his words yet unsure. "I miss this... us..." Kalon's blush deepened as Hawk's eyes widened slightly, she cleared her throat and looked back at her sketchpad. "I mean... I miss our friendship. The soft-spoken words, the movie nights and the random calls till all hours of the morning," Kalon expressed openly before looking back at Hawk.

"I know things aren't the best between you and your dad, but... you two should talk. Bert heard how you handled Kreese at the show, you're still a badass. Handle that shit, you know," Hawk expressed before the two laughed together. "You know... when you first... flipped the script... I was worried that the confidence would overthrow the good kid I became friends with... And for a while, it did," Kalon told Hawk as she looked up at him.

"I just really hope that one of these days, Hawk and Eli can meet at the halfway point... Because I know for a fact that a pretty awesome and badass dude is gonna come out of that. And I look forward to that day," Kalon told Hawk before letting out a breath, she leaned over and kissed his cheek before closing her sketchpad. "Maybe... things will be better between us in time," Kalon told him before she got up and walked away leaving Hawk with the ghost of her lips on his cheek and a soft smile on his face.

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Kalon was sitting on the couch in the living room with a pizza, Friends playing on the TV as she sipped her cola. Her phone began ringing pulling her out of her thoughts about Chandler, she looked down to see Demetri calling her. "Hey 'Metri," Kalon answered with a smile on her face, she leaned back against the couch enjoying the lack of her father. "I was punched in the face by Kreese and Hawk thinks that I'm a pussy," Demetri explained before sighing, Eli was back to being Hawk; Well, Rome wasn't built in a day.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now