1.19 | Heartbreak

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Kalon stood by Demetri as he was conversing with a few other Cobra Kai students, her gaze moved around the crowd before landing on Hawk. The boy's focus was towards the hill, Kalon followed his gaze to Moon who was smiling flirtatiously at him and the teenage boy was soaking up that glory. Kalon felt an uncomfortable pit in her stomach at the sight and she knew instantly what she was feeling was jealously.

She shook it off and turned to Demetri, "I'm getting a drink." Before he could say anything, she walked away from him but he knew, he saw her staring at Hawk and Moon's flirtatious staring and Demetri wasn't stupid, he knew the girl liked Eli and despite his own feelings, he knew Kalon needed support. Demetri shook his head before following after the girl deciding to stick by her to make sure she was alright.

"Hey," Hawk spoke with a smile as he approached Kalon, Demetri had stepped away for a moment. "Hey," Kalon answered since the two were still on rocky waters. "Look, I wanted to apologize for calling you stupid. It wasn't fair nor is it true. I just... God, you drive me insane," Hawk said before noticing the look on her face, "In a good way." Hawk stepped closer to Kalon. "In a great way, actually..." Hawk whispered.

Kalon blushed at the words, watching as Hawk leaned towards her. "And you have no idea how badly I want to do this," Hawk said before moving closer to her. Kalon swallowed before moving forward, the two connected before moving against each other. Kalon felt herself melt into Hawk's hold on her waist, the boy smiling as he kissed her. The two pulled away for air, both of them smiling about their first kiss.

"How long have you been wanting to do that?" Kalon asked breathlessly. "Since eighth grade," Hawk answered before kissing her again with more passion. Miguel and Aisha looked over to them and smiled. "About time," Aisha stated while Miguel nodded, he looked to Demetri and noticed the boy didn't see the two kiss. Kalon and Hawk spoke for a while until he excused himself to get a drink, disappearing in the crowd.

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By the time it was dark, Kalon had a few drinks and spent time conversing with students from Cobra Kai after she had lost track of Hawk. Demetri had spent his time keeping the girl company and ensuring she was talking a lot in hopes that she wouldn't drink as much. Miguel had been stumbling about, the boy bumped into Kalon making the girl giggle at his behavior. "Miggy, you're definitely drunk," Kalon exclaimed to the boy who smiled at her.

She shook her head as she looked around, her heart stopped as her gaze landed on Hawk and Moon making out. She felt her eyes getting watery, her fists clenching at her side while her hand holding the plastic cup squashed it causing the alcohol in the cup to spill everywhere. Kalon felt stupid, completely and utterly stupid for thinking that Eli - Hawk - would ever look at her as anything more than a friend. She took a deep breath before storming towards the cooler, grabbing a bottle and downing the whole thing before grabbing another.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now