1.2 | Friends Till The Very End

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Kalon was startled awake by a loud thud, she rubbed her eyes before pushing her blankets off and grabbing the bat by her bed. Kalon slowly opened her bedroom door and peeked down the hallway of her father's apartment before sighing and putting the bat to the side. "Oh, Dad..." Kalon whispered as she walked towards her father's drunken body, he had barely managed to get in the door of the apartment. Kalon grabbed her father's arm and used all of her strength to pull him inside, she closed the front door and locked it before turning to her father. "What am I going to do with you?" The twelve-year-old asked no one.

Kalon struggled as she managed to get her father onto the couch, it had taken almost two hours but he was finally settled on his side with a blanket over him. Kalon grabbed the aspirin from the top cabinet and a bottle of water, she placed them on the table before she began cleaning up the apartment. By the time she had finished everything, the sun was rising and she had to get ready for school. She went into her room to get dressed, the bathroom door closing followed by the shower alerted her that her father was awake. With no words shared between the two, Kalon walked to school despite the clear exhaustion she felt; It was her routine.

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Kalon smiled widely at her father as he walked towards the apartment. "How was your night?" Kalon teased making Johnny groan in annoyance as Miguel approached them. "Hey, I just... I just wanted to say thank you," Miguel spoke as he walked alongside Johnny. "All right, well, you said it," Johnny replied before motioning Kalon to help him but she simply shrugged and laughed. "So last night, was that, like, Tae Kwon Do or Jujitsu or MMA or something?" Miguel questioned.

"It's Karate. Old-school Karate," Johnny replied as he looked at his daughter, he was thinking back to when she was younger. He had taught Kalon the basics of Karate when she was around nine years old but once she reached eleven, he stopped in fear of her becoming him and losing the kind soul she had. "Do you think you could teach me?" Miguel asked, pulling him from his thoughts. "What? No," Johnny answered while Kalon listened.

She thoroughly loved learning Karate, she didn't care that her father was harsh as a Sensei or that his tactics were merciless and hard. It brought the two closer to each other, they were always serious during the lessons but afterwards, they'd be laughing at each other and enjoying themselves. Kalon always had it tough after being split away from her other half, her twin brother, Robby Keene.

Johnny didn't show up to the birth of his children and because of that, Shannon - Kalon and Robby's mother - had custody of both children. Robby was born first, older by a mere two minutes yet he never failed to remind Kalon of that. However, once Kalon was old enough to talk, all she did was cry for her father and Shannon couldn't handle it. So, Johnny agreed to take custody of Kalon which initially created a rift between the twins. But they got over it and accepted it.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Eli Moskowitz & Demetri AlexopoulosWhere stories live. Discover now